Page 49 - DistanceLearning
P. 49
This unprecedented time of social distancing After my feelings of desperation turned to deep reflection, a sense
and remote learning has propelled me to re- of hope urged me to explore, experiment, and create. Then my
“The World is mi Casa” website (
define my approach to teaching to the “whole was born, followed by a series of bilingual videos that I shared on
child” and Equitable Education. my social media accounts. I shared my videos on Facebook, Insta-
On February, 2020, I was interviewed by Kimberly Jade Kravitz gram, Tweeter, YouTube, and a recently discovered youth favored
digital tool named “Tik Tok”.
(Emmy Award-Wining T.V. Anchor/Producer)
com/watch?v=2OKkA7GEyKw& about the ac- The following illustrations depict my new virtual approach to equi-
curacy of the current New Jersey teachers’ evaluation system. table and global education:
My views were loud and clear! Our Teachers’ evaluation is not
designed to measure educator’s ability and willingness to teach to
the whole child.
As an ESL/Bilingual educator and recent Fulbright scholar, I take
enormous pride on advocating and fostering a comprehensive ed- This video embeds relevant
ucation approach. Embedding social-emotional skills, 21st century Spanish vocabulary associated
efficacy, and Global perspectives in my teaching practices have with protective equipment and
elevated my education vision and mission. quarantine home activities to
Additionally, creating the BASTA (Bilingual Advisory School Tran- help us relax.
sitional Association) committee 4 years ago has empowered me
with endless opportunities to strengthen my relationships with
families and community stakeholders.
On March, Friday the 13th, my education and life mission and The Breakfast items that we
consume come from all differ-
vision came to a halt! ent parts of the world. Learning
I kept asking myself: Spanish improves your ability to
• How am I going to sustain a high level of student global com- communicate and connect with
petency and equity in a virtual space? your virtual amigos
• How can I possibly nurture my relationships with my students
and families in a Supersonic space? This is an activity that I posted
• Will I be able to foster virtual initiatives that equip my children on my “The World is Mi Casa”
with strong identities and moral compass?” website. Students watch a
video and engage in a “World
• Will I be able to realize my Fulbright global advocacy in our Reflecting on my new education virtual initiatives
Environmental Day” challenge.
new virtual world?