Page 50 - DistanceLearning
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Strengths: Areas of Improvement:
1. Demonstrating that a large group of people in social media 1. Increasing my students’ understanding that each and every
want to learn Spanish and Hispanic Dances enabled me to post they share affects their digital identity.
simultaneously foster my advocacy for Globalization and Equi- 2. Learners P21’s essential Life skills such as flexibility, adapt-
table Education. ability, accountability, and leadership skills are being tested.
2. EL students felt motivated to embrace their bilingual and bicul- Students and parents have to create a new learning dynamic
tural powers and their mainstream classmates improved their that best suits them. Children need to acquire additional dis-
multicultural efficacy. SWBAT: Develop Global Competency positions to become successful digital learners. Additionally, a
by recognizing, understanding, and appreciating the per- child’s learning style in the virtual world may be different than
spectives and world views of others. Communicate ideas the one he/she embraced in the traditional classroom. More-
effectively with diverse audiences by engaging in open, over, the parents may have to develop a new support role to
appropriate, and effective interactions across cultures. assist the learner.
3. Offered my EL students a fun vehicle to help others by shar- 3. The digital deficit that exist among my low social-economic
ing their bilingual skills with their new virtual amigos SWBAT: students adversely affects their ability to participate in virtual
Evaluate and reflect on the significant value of team work learning.
by engaging in the virtual world. Strategically aligning my advocacy for equitable education, 21st
4. Provided all children with a risk-free environment to explore century student agency, and global perspectives in our new virtual
their creativity, self-discovery, communication skills, and strong world has become a fundamental life lesson that has just began.
sense of autonomy. Students were able to self-direct and pace Reminding myself what I repeatedly tell my students “Embrace
their own learning in a comfortable and familiar space. Addi- change and view it as a life opportunity to grow. Tap on your innova-
tionally, bilingual students developed their ability to mediate tive and critical thinking skills and find a solution” kept me motivated.
between their native and adopted languages and choose one
that fulfills the needs of the target audience. SWBAT: Develop How do you think I did?
their across difference communication skills. How are your redefining education equity and student relation-
ships in our new virtual space?
Offered children opportunities to foster their own interests and
talents that would be advantages to them in future and poten- Gracias!
tial careers. (Standards 9.2 Career Awareness, Exploration,
and Preparation) #FTGC2019
5. Encouraged learners to reflect on their valuable contributions #ignitethebastawithin
to self, family, friends, community, state, nation, and world. #APSDNextLevel
Engaging in the #worldenvironmentalday challenge posted @mistertrivella (Tweeter)
in my website motivated students to reflect on the pivotal role @ptrivellab (TIK TOK)
that their valuable contributions and action taking play in their Pedrotrivella (Facebook & Instagram)
future. (SWBAT Take action for collective well-being and Pedro Trivella – (You Tube)
sustainable development both locally and globally) My gratitude for my school district superintendent to eliminate the
(UN Sustainable Goal # 13: Take urgent action to combat digital gap. Laptops and chromes were given to every student at
climate change and its impacts). the end of June.