Page 46 - DistanceLearning
P. 46

Technology Blooming in


        By Jennifer Khoury, Fine and Performing
        Arts Supervisor, Bloomfield

        On March 13, 2020, the Bloomfield School Dis-                            Department surveyed the families prior to closure in order to assess
        trict made the decision to shut its doors to the                         device and connectivity in homes. The district purchased 150 T-Mo-
                                                                                 bile hotspots, in addition to the 300+ Sprint MiFi we already had in
        community due to the Novel Coronavirus 19                                our inventory, for families who did not have an internet connection,

        global pandemic. The decision was made after long con-                   in addition to handing out 400+ chrome devices to students in PreK-
        versations about what that landscape would look like and how to          5th grades to ensure that all of our student population was able to
        create an environment of equity for our 6500+ student population.        participate in a virtual environment. Technology has established
        Virtual Learning:                                                        two ways to virtually troubleshoot issues and safely follow social
                                                                                 distancing mandates to supply new or replacement technology to
        Bloomfield Schools had the advantage of moving into a virtual en-        families who need it. Parents were given a specific 5-minute ap-
        vironment with the successful implementation of a 1:1 Chromebook         pointment to pick up/drop off/exchange a device.
        Initiative for grades 6-12 for the past few years. Teachers received     The administration worked with staff to create a Virtual Learning
        training on the Google Suite and other technology over this period       Plan that would meet the needs of all students. This curricu-
        of time. The district has 2 technology coaches, both at a secondary      lum-driven plan provides meaningful instruction and related ser-
        level, but has moved all Media Specialists into a technology-driven      vices’ strategies for grades Pre-K through 12, that are inclusive
        capacity to help guide staff and students through this initiative. The   of all learning abilities. The District created a website for Virtual
        district implemented the BTA (Bloomfield Teacher Academy) which          Learning to act as a home-base for all information. Families are
        encourages teachers to lead professional development on topics           able to find up-to-date information on important topics such as
        they have vetted, mastered, and implemented. The Technology

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