Page 41 - DistanceLearning
P. 41
What is “RL” and what is the significance of it’s critically important to keep
“RL” during the COVID-19 pandemic and in “RL” in perspective. The most The most valuable part of
valuable part of “RL” is how
“RL” is how educators use
the field of education? Let’s take a moment to reflect educators use “RL” to bring “RL” to bring teaching and
and explore. teaching and learning to life! learning to life!
I’m not talking about the “RL” that has become the moniker for Before COVID-19, technology
Ralph Lauren, the fashion designer, corporation or its products, was a tool or device we incorporated in our teaching practices.
even if I am a big fan of that “RL.” I’m not talking about the “RL” It was a delivery “option” or “extension” for and with instruction,
that has become an abbreviation for Real Life in social media. meetings and/or daily operations. We had times of interacting
Although, we may be getting closer because that pun is intended! with our students, colleagues and parents that didn’t involve
Now, it’s time to stop talking about what “RL” is not and bring on technology.
the big reveal! For purposes of this article and possibly something During COVID-19, when I think of “options” and “extensions”, I im-
I may consider trademarking or copyrighting at a later date, “RL” mediately think of “Google”. When I think of interactions of teach-
stands for remote learning. ers teaching and learners learning, I immediately think of “Zoom”,
During COVID-19 and at this time of crisis, remote learning has “Google Meet,” “Flipgrid,” “Screencastify,” and “Seesaw.” When I
become a household name. Remote learning has become a way think of meetings, I immediately think of “Zoom” or “Google Meet”.
of life. Remote learning has truly become a lifeline. Remote learn- Let’s remember and behold that these are simply tools and prod-
ing has helped us connect, learn, teach and share during this ucts that help us connect and communicate with those that mean
uncharted time. Remote learning has helped us connect teaching the most.
and learning with sharing and caring. Remote learning, with the As educators, we have all been thrust into using technology as our
help and support of remote video-conferencing, has remediated primary medium, a medium that may have previously been sec-
social distancing to a certain extent and has helped us all to get ondary or tertiary in our delivery and operating. The reality is that
to a comfortable space even if it is from a distant place. “RL” and COVID-19 has helped and forced us to explore, reflect and nav-
“RL” products have seemingly become the conduit for providing igate our teaching and learning practices and “RL” has become
the important connection to see, hear, listen, laugh and learn to- a system of operating as well as a virtual support system for all
gether. “RL” and “RL” products have offered a solution for bridging educators, learners and families.
the “social” gap in providing essential components of human and After COVID-19, will we return to learning without the remote or
social interaction, albeit virtually, that are critical to and for teach- will the remote be with the learning? My hope is in finding the
ing, learning and life for that matter! balance. In remembering and respecting “RL” for what it was,
Before COVID-19, we may have taken the importance of interper- what it is and what it became during COVID-19 and to then redis-
sonal relations for granted along with ease of being in our class- tribute and regenerate “RL” in what it can and will become after
rooms, offices, schools and districts. COVID-19 has affected and COVID-19. As long as we don’t look at the remote being in control
continues to affect us. As we navigate these uncharted and difficult of our learning and teaching, we’re all going to be okay!
times, what we can and should do is recognize that COVID-19 has
provided us with a valuable resource in and with “RL”. However,