Page 42 - DistanceLearning
P. 42

Collaboration and

        Connections: Rebuilding

        New Core Systems

        and Re-Imagining Our


        By Katie McGrath, Instructional Coach,
        West Brook Middle School, Paramus; and

        Deirdre Spollen-LaRaia, Ed.D., Principal,

        West Brook Middle School, Paramus

        As we rang in the new year on January 1,                                 If there are only two take-aways from our experience, we have
        2020, we never would have imagined that                                  learned that first, collaboration and connections are essential
                                                                                 in paving the way for rebuilding new core systems to operate
        three months later, in March, which is typ-                              schools. And second, as we plan for a return, we must re-imagine
        ically the time of year when schools begin                               our practices after remote learning.

        to amp up for our end-of-year activities, that                           Much of the work that we do in schools is in real-time, responding
        we would be faced with abruptly closing our                              to students and staff, and planning based on in-person meetings
                                                                                 and feedback. So when we were thrust into remote learning, we
        doors and shifting to remote learning. Buildings                         needed to quickly rebuild our systems and develop new ways of
        closed, frozen in time, remote learning going stronger than we envi-     operating. In the words of Albert Einstein, in the middle of difficul-
        sioned, and making plans to end the year with creating new ways of  ty, lies opportunity. I suppose we found the opportunity during this
        celebrating long-standing traditions in non-traditional ways.            time to strengthen our connections to our students and collaborate
                                                                                 more with our colleagues. In our early weeks of remote learning,

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