Page 53 - DistanceLearning
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The Educational Services Commission of NJ                                visit. This week they were in
        operates Pathways to Adult Living (PAL), a                               Philadelphia!                       PAL provides intensive com-
                                                                                                                    munity-based instruction to
        program dedicated to providing young adults                              Community education and            students who have complet-
                                                                                 recreation/leisure skills are
        with the skills to function independently and                            components of communi-             ed their high school aca-

        contribute to their community. PAL provides inten-                       ty-based instruction. Now,         demic requirements.
        sive community-based instruction to students who have completed          students shop online at Tar-
        their high school academic requirements. The program, located in         get & ShopRite ordering items and calculating costs to keep within
        a storefront on Main Street in Sayreville, allows students to transi-    their budget. Students are taught to furnish a future apartment
        tion from their local high schools at the same time that their peers     using online shopping resources. Weekly yoga classes are taught
        are graduating.                                                          on ZOOM every Tuesday so students can enjoy a recreational
        PAL, a program designed with a strong emphasis on communi-               experience. Daily neighborhood walks are encouraged.
        ty-based instruction, faced the challenge of recreating itself through   Functional life skills include cooking simple meals. Marci Rubin,
        distance learning. Staff created virtual learning experiences to ad-     PAL teacher, started weekly IN THE KITCHEN WITH ________
        dress employment, transportation and adult daily living skills. Using    classes. Each student will take a turn and cook a basic meal. So
        the Life Centered Education curriculum by the Council for Excep-         far, PAL students learned to make grilled cheese & an egg sand-
        tional Children as well as the 21st Century Life and Career goals        wich. All recipes will be compiled in the PAL COOKBOOK.
        as guidelines, students’ goals are now addressed through remote          Community outreach and interactions with members continues
        learning classes with PAL staff and community members.                   through online training. Highlights include the following:
        PAL continues to provide real life vocational experiences for the        •  Weekly ARC’s MAPS (Making Action Plans for Life and Careers)
        students. The staff created online interviewing, onboarding and on-          classes with Mr. George Sangiovanni, Transition Navigator
        site work experiences. Students participated in mock employment          •  Lessons on Voting and the American with Disabilities Act pre-
        interviews with a person unknown to them simulating an actual hir-           sented by Carole Tonkes & Luke Koppisch from the Alliance
        ing process. Onboarding videos from prospective employers and                Center for Independence.
        informational interviews with employees in various jobs are now
        incorporated in PAL’s vocational training. PAL students recently         •  Proper Brushing Skills presented by Middlesex County Dental
        started their training for the ServSafe food handler certification, a        Hygiene Students
        training highly recommended for employment in restaurants, gro-          Tips Learned for Successful ZOOM Meetings:
        cery stores and food production facilities.                              •  Schedule daily ZOOM classes at the same time every day.

        Since transportation is often a detriment to employment, the PAL         •  Parental involvement is key to have students participate regularly.
        program incorporates travel training on a regular basis. Students
        had been trained to use local public transportation. Jeffrey Dennis,     •  Incorporate high interest activities and motivate students by
        research program coordinator, and Louis Hoffman, manager at                  announcing upcoming events.
        NJ TIPS @ Rutgers, were invited to conduct virtual travel training       •  Give students a choice for selecting topics of study aligned with
        experiences. They present powerpoints on how to read train/ bus              curriculum.
        schedules, purchase train tickets using the kiosk and follow safety      •  Offer training that leads to certificates to add to resumes
        tips while traveling. The students choose a destination, use a trip          (ServSafe Food Handlers Certificate).
        planner and board their virtual train to see the highlights of their
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