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Virtual Workshops and Webinars

          • New or revised policies and protocols that should be                     Mental Health and Trauma-Informed                                                     Attendance, Residency, and                                           Exploring New Jersey’s Learning Standards in
            implemented to address evolving needs and requirements
            related to COVID, including testing requirements for those who  Practices in Schools                                                                       Homelessness Issues                                                      the Visual and Performing Arts
            have tested positive prior to return to school, immunization         Mar. 8, 2021; 1 pm - 4 pm                                                             Mar. 10, 2021; 9 am - Noon                                               Mar. 10, 2021; 2 pm - 4 pm
            requirements for those participating in school remotely,             Presenters: Kaitlin Mulcahy, Ph.D., LPC, IMHM, Associate                              Presenters: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL ONE Supervisor                or
            working with the local department of health on a range of            Director, Center for Autism and Early Childhood Mental Health                         of Legal Research and Content Development; Diahann                       Apr. 21, 2021; 2 pm - 4 pm
            issues including contact tracing, ensuring proper information        and Jennifer Faasse, MA, LPC, Consulting Clinician/LAUNCH                             DeRuggiero, MSW, M.Ed., Regional Director, McKinney-Vento
            sharing while complying with FERPA and HIPAA, providing              Consulting Trainer, Center for Autism and Early Childhood                             Education of Homeless And Youth Program                                  Presenters: Jeff Santoro, Supervisor of Fine & Performing Arts,
            supports for students and staff dealing with grief and loss,         Mental Health                                                                         Fee: Member: $100/Non-member: $125                                       West Windsor-Plainsboro Regional School District and Kerri
            addressing issues of concern based on what is observed in a          Fee: Free                                                                             This Blended Online Workshop will provide information about the          Sullivan, District Supervisor of the Arts, K-12, Bridgeton Public
            student’s home during remote instruction, addressing evolving                                                                                              legal requirements pertaining to student attendance, residency           Schools
            requirements related to sports participation and the role of the     This workshop will introduce school personnel to the importance                       and homelessness issues — including what constitutes excused             Fee: FREE
            school physician, and tips for communications and messaging          of using trauma-informed strategies to promote relational and                         absences, legally required steps for developing attendance               Co-Sponsored by FEA and Arts Ed NJ
            and when messages should come from the school nurse,                 emotional wellness in schools. We will review the science of safety                   improvement plans and when to involve the court system.                  In this webinar, participants will learn to navigate the new online
            school principal and/pr central office.                              as foundational to learning and connecting, and the impact of stress                                                                                           portal for the New Jersey Student Learning Standards in the
                                                                                 and trauma on the learning process. We will also discuss strategies                   Participants will also gain an understanding of how to properly          Visual and Performing Arts. This session will provide supervisors
                                                                                 to promote relational and emotional wellness in the classroom, and                    determine residency, including forms of documentation to be              and teacher leaders an opportunity to begin unpacking the
            NJLA Series 7 Session 3: Culturally                                  systemic changes necessary to become a trauma-informed school.                        considered, the rights of students not residing with their parents       new standards and appendices. Many practical implications
                                                                                                                                                                       or legal guardians, and the due process involved when there is a
        Responsive Teaching: Leading Instruction                                                                                                                       dispute over student residency. Legal issues including eligibility,      of implementation, including professional development and
        That Empowers Deep Student Learning                                          Intervention and Referral Services:                                               resources and services available to homeless students will also          curricular revisions, will be explored through peer-to-peer and
        Mar. 5, 2021; 9 am - 1 pm                                                The Next Generation (PSEL Standards 3, 5,                                             be addressed. Participants will be provided with resources and           facilitated discussion.
        Fee: $450 for a 3-session Academy. Participants must register            and 10)                                                                               best practices for addressing chronic absenteeism and strategies
        for all three sessions. Click here to see the description.               Mar. 9, 2021; 9 am - Noon                                                             for conducting residency investigations. The impact of and                   Social Media and Cyberbullying
                                                                                                                                                                       considerations pertaining to COVID-19 will also be addressed.
                                                                                 Presenter: Gary Vermeire, FEA Consultant                                                                                                                       Mar. 11, 2021; 9 am - Noon
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Presenters: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL ONE Supervisor of
            NJLA Series 7 Session 1: The Equity                                  Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members                                                                                                                               Legal Research and Content Development & Joseph Ventre,
        Imperative: Embracing the Change Equity                                  This activity-based session is designed to provide I&RS team                                                                                                   CISSP, CIO & Founder,
        Inspire                                                                  members and school staff responsible for I&RS with specific                                                                                                    Fee: Member: $100/Non-member: $125
                                                                                 concepts, tools, techniques, and practice in assessing and
        Mar. 6, 2021; 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm                                         addressing students’ learning, behavior and health difficulties,                                                                                               This session will address the legal issues that arise when students,
        Fee: $450 for a 3-session Academy. Participants must register            consistent with the New Jersey Department of Education’s Tiered                                                                                                staff, and parents use social media. Issues to be discussed will
        for all three sessions. Click here to see the description.               System of Supports. Emphasis will be placed on collaborative                                                                                                   include cyberbullying, student and staff First Amendment rights,
                                                                                 consultation and strategies and techniques for using objective                                                                                                 using social media to screen job applicants, and legally permissible
                                                                                 data, school and community resources, and creativity in problem                                                                                                uses of social media. It will include the latest national research
                                                                                 solving and planning I&RS cases. There will be a focus on applying                                                                                             on the use of social media and best practices for promoting
                                                                                 structure and systematic procedures to the coordinated planning                                                                                                responsible use. Current events, including COVID-19 and racial
                                                                                 and delivery of effective programs of I&RS.                                                                                                                    discrimination/disparity issues will also be discussed, in the

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