Page 10 - EdViewptsSpring2017
P. 10

On Your Mark, Get Set, COACH!

        By Deborah Iosso Ed.S., Principal, Randolph High School; Adriana Coppola,
        M.A.T., Instructional Coach, Randolph High School; Lena Wasylyk, M.Ed.,
        Instructional Coach, Randolph High School

        While the roles of faculty           to enhance instruction on some level,   has been fortunate to support four
        members and administra-              none directly impact what teachers do in   instructional coaches from different
                                             the classroom on a daily basis.
                                                                                  content areas. Our coaches maintain
        tors are arguably more               According to the Center for Education   at least one teaching period with the
        diverse and time consum-             Policy Research at Harvard Univer-   remainder of their day devoted to
                                             sity, “research consistently shows that   further developing teacher instructional
        ing now than at any other time since   teaching is the single most important   practice through coaching. While the
        the inception of public schools, our   school-based factor in a student’s aca-  coach’s daily schedule is varied, in any
        ultimate goal must remain to provide   demic growth” (Center for Educational   given month, the teachers at Randolph
        students with the best possible educa-  Policy Research 1). We recognized   High School are offered a range of
        tion delivered by the best possible   the need to provide our teachers and   in-house professional development
        educators. To that end, local, state,   specialists with a support system that   opportunities that are inspired and
        and federal bodies have amended      would give them a genuine opportunity   voluntarily attended by teachers. The
        standards, adopted new assessments,   to hone their craft.                content is ultimately designed and
        implemented new evaluation systems,   The focus of an instructional coaching   facilitated by instructional coaches.
        changed tenure laws, and required    program is to positively affect student   This monthly menu of coach-led
        development of growth objectives all in   growth and achievement by providing   activities is created through thoughtful
        the name of improving student learning.   a range of services and one-on-one   needs assessments and has led to
        While each of these may have a chance   support for teachers. Our high school   almost 100% staff participation in the
                                                                                  coaching model.

                                            Educational Viewpoints       -8-       Spring 2017
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