Page 8 - EdViewptsSpring2017
P. 8

Courageous Leadership

        By Dr. Tracey Severns, Director of Student Performance, Mount Olive
        Public Schools

        I was in North Plainfield            Everyone wanted, needed, to tell their   ways of working together that ensures
        attending my first Administrators’ Ed   story and hear the stories of others.   the success of every single student in
        Camp when the request was made for   “Tell the person sitting next to you   our care.
        topics for the day’s sessions. Unsure of   about a time you had to use courage   Yes, but how? One courageous conver-
        how it would be received, I decided to   in your role as a school leader.” The   sation at a time. Robinson (2009) refers
        toss out the idea that had been follow-  room erupted in conversation. After 30   to this as “engaging in constructive
        ing me around for weeks — the role of   minutes, I tried to shift from one-to-one   problem talk,” defined as the ability to
        courage in instructional leadership. Still   dialogues to group discussion. They   name, describe and analyze problems
        uncertain about whether it made onto   continued to talk. I relented.     in ways that reveal possibilities for
        the board as a session due to genuine   Finally, with 10 minutes remaining, I was   change. Roland Barth characterizes
        interest or lack of other options, I was   able to pull the group together. I ended   this as discussing the “nondiscuss-
        curious to see what would happen.    with this: The role of a school leader is   ables,” the truths that everyone knows
        I got to the assigned room a few min-  to improve what researcher John Hattie   but no one will talk about. To change
        utes early. Three people were already   refers to as “the learning lives of kids.”   the culture, we must be willing to drag
        there. For the next 10 minutes a steady   This requires more than certifications   these truths out of the darkness into the
        stream of people flowed into the room   and good intentions. It requires courage:   light, to name and address the nondis-
        and spilled into the large circle of desks.   the willingness and ability to act on   cussables that are infecting the culture
        More chairs were dragged in. The antici-  behalf of the students we serve. Above   and impeding learning.
        pation in the room was palpable.     all else, the greatest responsibility   Initiating the conversation is the role
                                             of the school leader is to take on the
        I knew the one-person-speaks-at-a-   status quo, to challenge the beliefs and   of the leader. Many, however, lack
        time format I had experienced in the   practices that are influencing student   either the skill or the will to risk the
        other sessions wasn’t going to work.   outcomes, and to replace them with new   repercussions. Why are so many
                                                                                  leaders unwilling or unprepared to

                                            Educational Viewpoints       -6-       Spring 2017
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