Page 10 - FallCatalog2020
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2020-2021 AP Resources: Supports for                       racism within those perspectives; and                           session will provide tips for promoting responsible social   approaches to professional learning as well as how they
                                                                                                                                                                                          have been able to streamline the contracting process to
                                                                                                                                   media use by students, parents and staff. Participants will
        Any Learning Environment                                 • Strategies for identifying, interrupting, and addressing        also learn about security settings with an explanation as to   ensure the timely use of funds through the RFP process and
                                                                   various forms of racist behaviors.
        Oct. 28, 2020; 3 pm - 4 pm                                                                                                 how they work.                                         the FEA Professional Learning Savings Account.
        Presenter: Dianna L. Frank Director of State and District
        Partnerships, College Board
        Fee: free                                                                                                                           Preparing for Special Education                  NJLA Series 7 Session 3: Culturally
        This year, as schools adapt to new learning environments, the                                                              Mediation and Due Process (Special                     Responsive Teaching: Leading
        When AP teachers and students sign in to My AP, they’ll get  November                                                      Education Litigation Certificate                       Instruction That Empowers Deep
        resources in AP® Classroom provide stability and consistency.
        a set of resources and supports built to work in any learning                                                              Program - Day 3 of 3)                                  Student Learning
        environment — in-person, online, or hybrid/blended. Join us                                                                Nov. 4, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm                              Nov. 9, 2020; 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
        to learn more about AP Classroom and how your teachers     Transforming Social-Emotional                                   Presenters: Isabel Machado, Esq., Machado Law Group    Fee: $450 for a 3-session Academy. Participants must register
        and students can use these tools regardless of where learning                                                              Fee: $100 Members/$125 Non-Members                     for all three sessions. Click here to see the description.
        occurs. In addition, we will discuss ways you can view student   Learning With Challenging Students in                     This session will provide a detailed explanation of the
        progress and guided access to AP Classroom.            Difficult Times: The Pro-Social Matrix                              particular procedures which must be followed when         Using Option 2 With ELLs as an
                                                               (PSEL Standards 3, 5, and 10)                                       preparing for a Special Education/Due Process Hearing.
                                                                                                                                   Topics to be discussed include: Differences between filing for  Instrument of Equity (PSEL Standards 3,
            What’s New in School Law?                          Day 1: Nov. 2, 2020; 9 am - Noon                                    Mediation and Due Process; Stay-put issues; What is required   5, and 10)
        Fall 2020                                              Day 2: Dec. 10, 2020; 9 am - Noon                                   during the 30-day resolution period; New Procedures with   Nov. 10, 2020; 9 am - Noon
                                                               Presenter: Phil Tenaglia M.A., School Psychologist, Family
        Oct. 29, 2020; Noon - 1:10 pm                          Therapist, and Trainer with The ACT Matrix Academy and              respect to initial hearing date/settlement conferences; Pre-  Presenters: JoAnne Negrin, Ed.D., Supervisor of ESL, Bilingual
        Presenters: Michael Kaelber, Esq., LEGAL ONE Coordinator for   Evolving Solutions.                                         trial orders; Expert witnesses/Expert Reports; Discovery and   Education, World Languages, and Performing Arts, Vineland
        Online Course Development & Rebecca Gold, Retired Director   Fee for 2-day Series: $100 Members/$125 Non-Members           preparing for Due Process; Preparing to Testify; Post-trial   Public Schools and Andrea Fonteñez, Ed.D., Director of
        of Human Resources                                     Addressing the social and emotional needs of all students is        briefs; Appeals; and prevailing Party and attorneys’ fees. The   Bilingual and ESL Education, New Brunswick Public Schools
        Fee: $40                                               an essential component of their education, now more than            session will also provide up to date information on laws and   Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members
        Join LEGAL ONE staff attorneys in an information-      ever. Join this online workshop to discover an evidenced-           guidance, and an opportunity to discuss and address issues   Individualized Student Learning Opportunities (“Option
        packed webinar discussing the most recent school law   based, mindful approach that builds psychological flexibility       regarding disputes over the provision of special education   2”) allow students to receive graduation credit for diverse
        developments affecting New Jersey’s public schools.    and resilience with all students but particularly those who         and related services to students with disabilities, including   learning experiences. Traditionally, this option has been
        Included will be a discussion of recent legislative and   are disengaged and struggle socially and emotionally.            disputes concerning current programming or compensatory   leveraged by students of higher socioeconomic status. In
        regulatory enactments which impact school district     Through this process, the Pro-Social ACT Matrix , educators         services, while schools are operating pursuant to guidance   this workshop, we will demonstrate how districts can use this
        operations as well as a case law update including decisions   learn to quickly assess current conditions and strengthen    and laws necessitated by the current pandemic. Target   option to provide graduation credits to ELLs who come to
        of the Commissioner of Education and the New Jersey and   engagement with challenging students while working under         Audience - Directors/Supervisors of Special Education, school  our districts without a traditional educational background,
        Federal courts. Topics will include, but not be limited to,   difficult circumstances and beyond.                          law attorneys                                          thus providing them with a pathway to a high school
        tenure and seniority, labor relations, increment withholding,   With a special emphasis on implementing this model                                                                diploma. Although many ELLs who arrive in our districts have
        HIB, student rights, school safety, OPMA and OPRA.     virtually, participants will learn how to:                          Using Your Title Funds Efficiently and                 had limited or interrupted formal education, they often have

                                                                 • deal with student resistance and reluctance                     Effectively for a Comprehensive                        skills and experiences that can be mapped to the standards.
                                                                                                                                                                                          Participants will review rubrics and processes that districts
            Fighting Racial Slurs and Other                      • motivate the unmotivated                                        Professional Learning Program                          can use to substantiate student mastery of standards.
        Common Acts of Student Aggression                        • maintain your effectiveness in difficult circumstances          Nov. 9, 2020; 3 pm - 4:30 pm                           They will be provided with student profiles and have the
        (PSEL Standards 3, 5, 6, and 8)                          • establish a shared point of view that students can also         Presenters: Leslie Franks-McRae, Director: Office of   opportunity to put the guidance and rubrics into practice.
                                                                                                                                                                                          Finally, participants will reflect upon how providing access to
                                                                   learn on their own to build self-monitoring and self-
        Oct. 30, 2020; 9 am - 1 pm                                 regulation                                                      Supplemental Educational Programs/State Coordinator for   non-traditional ways of obtaining high school credit foments
                                                                                                                                   Gifted & Talented and DOE staff
        Presenter: Robin Harden Daniels, Ed.D. FEA Presenter, Lead                                                                 Fee: Free                                              an asset-based orientation toward ELLs that will produce
        Consultant, InFlight LLC A STEM Education Company                                                                                                                                 positive outcomes and greater equity.
        Fee: $100 Members/$125 Non-Members                                                                                         As we move between in-person, virtual, and hybrid learning
                                                                                                                                   environments, the importance of professional learning
        This workshop, building on a foundation of culturally         Social Media and Cyberbullying                               becomes even more important as we are all working to
        responsive practices, focuses on how to engage         Issues in Schools                                                   make these challenging shifts. This webinar is intended    Implicit Bias, Disproportionality, and
        conversations on race and intervene when said discussions   Nov. 2, 2020; 9 am - Noon (Live Online plus additional self-   to assist you in identifying available funds and in creating   the Law
        become hurtful or oppressive. To achieve these objectives,   paced content)                                                professional learning opportunities that are focused on   Nov. 10, 2020; 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
        this workshop is divided into two parts. During the first two   Presenters: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL ONE Supervisor of   driving your priorities.                           Presenters: John K. Worthington, Esq., LEGAL ONE Consultant
        hours, participants pursue a deeper dive into the cultural   Legal Research and Content Development & Joseph Ventre,                                                              & Rebecca Gold, Retired Director of Human Resources
        dynamics that define our understanding of race and     CISSP, CIO & Founder,                 We are pleased to have representatives from the        Fee: $40
        impede our ability to constructively engage race-conscious   Fee: $100 Members/$125 Non-Members                            Department of Education to discuss how the various title   We all have implicit biases. But if we fail to recognize our
        conversations. During the last two hours, participants are   This session will address the legal issues that arise when    funds may be used to support professional development in   biases and take concerted steps to mitigate their impact,
        given strategies for disrupting racialized narratives and   students, staff, and parents use social media. Issues to       your district. This will include:                      they have the potential to lead to unfair and potentially
        scenarios within which to practice using these strategies.   be discussed will include cyberbullying, student and staff      • Title I, Part A:  Improving Basic Programs Operated by   discriminatory treatment of students, parents and staff. This
        Through this session, participants will learn:         First Amendment rights, using social media to screen                   Local Educational Agencies                          workshop will provide participants with an understanding
                                                               job applicants, and legally permissible uses of social
          • The impact of culture on our ability to address racial   media. It will include the latest national research on the      • Title II, Part A:  Supporting Effective Instruction   of the key legal requirements that are in place to ensure
            issues;                                            use of social media and best practices for promoting                  • Title III, Part A: English Language Acquisition, Language   that all districts take thoughtful steps to recognize, reduce
          • The most common ways in which racism is expressed in   responsible use. Current events, including Covid-19 and            Enhancement, and Academic Achievement               and respond to implicit biases and ensure that students
            the classroom;                                     racial discrimination/disparity issues will also be discussed,        • Carl D. Perkins IV: Strengthening Career and Technical   and other stakeholders are treated fairly at all times. The
          • The most common ways in which racism is expressed in   in the context of social media use by staff and students.          Education                                           impact of the current pandemic on disciplining students
            student interactions;                              Participants will gain an understanding of the latest trends          • Review of summary attachment of Title & other funding  with disabilities, including codes of conduct and means
          • Students’ perspectives on race and how to recognize   in cyberbullying and the most effective strategies available        distributed by NJDOE for professional development use   of imposing consequences and sanctions, will also be
                                                               for school leaders, educators, parents and students. This           We will also have district representatives who will share   addressed.
                                                                                                                                   how they have used these funds to develop coordinated
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