Page 5 - FallCatalog2020
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September the NJ Department of Education and the leading educational confabulation (followed by an optional happy-hour reception Addressing Vaping, Substance Abuse,
A Proactive Approach to
organizations across the state, CAR was recently used by
and networking opportunity), will fill the afternoon. Join us!
teams of educators from across the state working with the
NJDOE to develop K-12 ELA and Math instructional units and Mental Health
with common student learning objectives derived from Education, Law Enforcement, and Sep. 30, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm
Legal Liability and Lessons Learned the NJ Student Learning Standards. These resources, when Racial Justice Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE Director
From Reopening combined with the CAR conversations, offer a powerful Sep. 29, 2020; 9 am - 1 pm Fee: $150
Sep. 15, 2020; 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm toolkit for PLCs to address learning gaps, ensure high quality Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE Director; Larry Sponsored by LEGAL ONE & ASAPNJ
Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE Director; Rebecca instruction and strengthen continuity of learning across a Leverett, Ed.D., Coordinator, New Jersey Network of The student assistance coordinator wears many hats.
Gold, Retired Director of Human Resources variety of environments. Superintendents, former Superintendent, former Assistant The SAC is expected to ensure that the entire district
Fee: $40 Commissioner, NJDOE, Leverett Education; Adam Drew, CEO, is effectively addressing issues of substance abuse,
Three Corners Law Enforcement
As we all navigate through a global pandemic, it is important Section 504 Explained (Special Fee: $100 Members/$125 Non-Members and related challenges such as mental health, family
that we take in key lessons from the reopening of schools Having a positive and productive relationship between dysfunction, and student safety. This includes providing
to ensure that we are taking appropriate measures to Education Litigation Certificate education and law enforcement is more important than direct student services, leading professional development
protect the health and safety of students, staff and others. Program - Day 1 of 3) ever, as the nation and world grapple with the dual and ensuring effective policies and protocols are in place.
By constantly evaluating our approach and assessing what Sep. 23, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm pandemics of racial injustice and COVID-19. This session This presentation will address emerging trends in student
is and isn’t working we will ensure the well being of all Presenters: John K. Worthington, Esq., LEGAL ONE Consultant will review key components of the Memorandum of substance abuse, and provide a framework for an effective
stakeholders, and reduce the potential for legal liability. This Fee: $100 Members/$125 Non-Members Agreement Between Education and Law Enforcement, district-wide approach that involves all key stakeholders. As
session will highlight key lessons from reopening and how to This session will provide a detailed explanation of Section examine the role of the SRO and school security personnel, a result of this presentation, participants will:
incorporate those into your district’s ongoing operations. 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as it relates to school provide tools for addressing issues of implicit bias, and • Have the latest information on vaping and other
districts. Topics will include district responsibilities, due offer a framework for ensuring legally sound and effective substance use trends, and the potential health impacts
Engaging and Motivating Students process requirements and procedural safeguards, preventing policies, practices and protocols are in place. for students,
and preparing for litigation, parent/student rights, as well
in a Virtual Learning Space (Grades as exploring the differences between 504 eligibility and • Understand evolving legal requirements related to
addressing substance abuse, child abuse prevention,
K-5) classification and eligibility and classification under the IDEA. NJLA Series 7 Session 1: and student mental health while ensuring student
Sep. 16, 2020; 9 am - Noon The session will also provide up to date information affecting The Equity Imperative: Embracing confidentiality as required,
the provision of services to students with disabilities during
Presenter: Jackie Frangis, FEA Consultant the current pandemic, and an opportunity to discuss and the Change Equity Inspire • Have access to sample policies, procedures and
Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members address issues regarding the provision of services to students Sep. 29, 2020; 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm templates that ensure legal compliance and a more
Knowing how to engage students within a virtual learning with disabilities being served under a Section 504 Plan Fee: $450 for a 3-session Academy. Participants must register coherent, effective approach, and
environment while holding them accountable for learning while schools are operating pursuant to guidance and laws for all three sessions. Click here to see the description. • Have strategies for effectively engaging other key
can be a challenge. In this session, discover interactive necessitated by the current pandemic. stakeholders, including school administrators, parents
strategies and engaging activities designed to motivate and the community
students in exploring, thinking deeply, making choices, and Listen, Learn, Act: Solving Dynamic Participants will also receive pre-recorded content that
demonstrating their learning. Whether teaching students Welcome to Virtually Preschool! School Challenges in Real-Time addresses issues related to COVID-19 and SAC duties.
online or on land, this workshop will help you to prepare and Sep. 24, 2020; 2 pm - 4 pm Sep. 30, 2020; 3:30 pm - 4: 30 pm
plan for a fantastic start to the school year. Presenters: Vineland Public Schools Preschool Team of Master Presenters: Leslie Stretch, CEO of Medallia.
With a focus on literacy, this session is designed for Teachers, PIRT Members, Resource Room Teachers and Fee: Free
elementary teachers, literacy coaches, ELA supervisors, Administration While we never know what the future holds, what makes
reading specialists, reading interventionists, curriculum Fee: Free the 2020-2021 academic year especially challenging is that October
coordinators, para-professionals, special education teachers, Please join us as we share best practices for virtual learning we do not have a playbook for educating students in the
gifted and talented teachers, and enrichment teachers. along with tips and tricks for engaging special needs and middle of a pandemic. K-12 schools are trying to balance
dual language learners in the virtual environment. an operating plan with daily changes to evolving safety and
The Connected Action Roadmap: health regulations. Envisioning the Power of Teacher
Tools to Strengthen Virtual Teaching The Arts and SEL: A Synergistic The current environment has dramatically accelerated Leadership (PSEL Standards 3 and 6
the use of interactive communication tools, including
and Learning (PSEL Standards 4, 7, Pairing (PSEL Standards 4 and 10) teleconferencing, video, SMS/text, and social media, how K-12 and Teacher Leader Model Standards -
and 10) Sep. 25, 2020; 1 pm - 5 pm schools engage with their students, parents, and educators Domain VII)
Presenters: Dr. Maurice Elias, Dr. Scott Edgar, Nadine Levitt,
Oct. 1, 2020; 9 am - Noon
Sep. 17, 2020; 9 am - 12:30 pm David Dik, Steve Ventz, Bob Morrison, Margot Toppen, and today, and the feedback they provide, impacts the school’s Presenter: Monica Goncalves, FEA Consultant
reputation. Schools must understand parents, children, and
Presenters: Emil Carafa, Coordinator of Professional Learning, Fee: $50 educators’ needs, knowing that they will change and evolve as Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members
FEA; Vicki Duff, Coordinator of Professional Learning, FEA;
Donna McInerney, Ed.D., CEO of FEA Co-sponsored by State Education Agency Directors of Arts the academic year progresses. Join our webinar, where we will Teacher leaders play a vital role in the cycle of continuous
Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members Education (SEADAE), FEA and Arts Ed NJ demonstrate how your district can: improvement in schools. As knowledgeable peers, they
support colleagues in developing highly refined instructional
Addressing student learning gaps, ensuring high quality This afternoon Summit will explore relevant intersections • Gather feedback in real-time from parents, students, practice designed to meet the diverse needs of each student,
between SEL competencies and learning in and through
instruction for all students, and fostering continuity of the arts, while offering a meaningful platform for the arts teachers, and staff to understand what the majority of influence policy discussions related to student learning and
learning across virtual, in-person and blended learning education community to be involved in the national SEL stakeholders need; not the loudest facilitate learning conversations to solve complex problems
environments are three of the most profound instructional dialogue. It aims to support equitable access to SEL and arts • Become proactive: continually adapt using live time of practice. Leaders will:
challenges facing educators today. In order to meet these learning as means to improve academic achievement; build feedback to improve school policies, operations, and
challenges, schools need a systems-based approach and sustainable support systems and networks that increase student equity • Define the multiple roles that teacher leaders can play
concrete tools that can drive the work of educators. The student, teacher, family, and community engagement; and • Apply AI and machine learning to uncover patterns and • Identify qualities of teacher leaders
Connected Action Roadmap (CAR) provides a sustainable strengthen understandings with the goal of influencing arts trends, analyze issues, and predict stakeholder behavior • Discuss the role of central office and building leaders in
process for professional learning communities (PLCs) to education at the nexus of policy, research, and practice. identifying and empowering teacher leaders to impact
collaboratively and effectively implement high quality, Presentations by national experts, along with stimulating the collaborative culture of teaching and learning
standards-aligned instruction and assessment. Supported by breakout sessions, interactive performances, and lively