Page 8 - FallCatalog2020
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Legally Compliant IEPs (Special                        Attendance, Residency, and                                       Developing Support Plans for                       instruction and strengthen continuity of learning across a
                                                                                                                                                                                          variety of environments.
        Education Litigation Certificate                       Homelessness Issues                                                 At-Risk Students
        Program - Day 2 of 3)                                  Oct. 21, 2020; 9 am - Noon (Live Online plus additional self-       Oct. 22, 2020; 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm                       Helping Students With Dyslexia
        Oct. 19, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm                             paced content)                                                      Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE Director; Susan Coyle,
                                                               Presenters: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL ONE Supervisor
                                                                                                                                   MA, Traumatic Loss Coalitions for Youth Coordinator for
        Presenters: John K. Worthington, Esq., LEGAL ONE Consultant   of Legal Research and Content Development & Diahann          Middlesex County, Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care  Be Resilient
        Fee: $100 Members/$125 Non-Members                     DeRuggiero, MSW, M.Ed., Regional Director, McKinney-Vento           Fee: $40                                               Oct. 27, 2020; 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
        This workshop will provide an in-depth explanation of   Education of Homeless And Youth Program                            The COVID-19 pandemic has reminded us in stark terms   Presenter: Suzanne Carreker, Ph.D., CALT–QI
        what courts expect to see in IEPs. Key components in IEPs   Fee: $100 Members/$125 Non-Members                             how critical it is to have a strong safety net in place for our   Fee: Free
        that can render them both legally and technically sound,   This Blended Online Workshop will provide information           most vulnerable students. This webinar will review legal   Join Dr. Suzanne Carreker, CALT–QI, to learn about dyslexia,
        most notably the Present Level of Academic Achievement   about the legal requirements pertaining to student                requirements related to providing ongoing support for at-  what it looks like in today’s unique classrooms, and the
        and Functional Performance (PLAFP) and the goals and   attendance, residency and homelessness issues — including           risk student populations, including students struggling with   challenges students with dyslexia face. Using examples from
        objectives sections, will be identified. The session will also   what constitutes excused absences, legally required steps   mental health issues, students who have been the victim of   Lexia’s literacy solutions for students in grades pre-K–12,
        provide an overview of relevant laws and procedures for   for developing attendance improvement plans and when             HIB, students who have experienced traumatic losses and   we will explore how teachers and administrators can help
        serving students with disabilities. This session will focus on   to involve the court system. Participants will also gain an   students who are struggling with issues of gender identity   address those difficulties, including better understanding and
        combining best practices with educational strategies that are   understanding of how to properly determine residency,      and expression. The webinar reviews the legal duty of   employing structured literacy in the classroom.
        reasonable and practical for child study teams to utilize every   including forms of documentation to be considered, the   care owed and provides sample templates for developing
        day. The session will also provide up to date information   rights of students not residing with their parents or legal    support plans for students in need.                       NJLA Series 7 Session 2: Climate
        on laws and guidance, including proposed changes to    guardians, and the due process involved when there is
        legislation affecting the provision of services to students with   a dispute over student residency. Legal issues including                                                       and Culture: Nurturing Strong, Resilient
        disabilities during the current pandemic, and an opportunity   eligibility, resources and services available to homeless         The Principal/AP/VP’s Survival                   Relationships for Adults and Students
        to discuss and address issues regarding the provision of   students will also be addressed. Participants will be           Guide!                                                 Oct. 27, 2020; 9 am - 1 pm
        special education and related services to students with   provided with resources and best practices for addressing
        disabilities while schools are operating pursuant to guidance   chronic absenteeism and strategies for conducting          Oct. 22, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm                             Fee: $450 for a 3-session Academy. Participants must register
                                                                                                                                                                                          for all three sessions. Click here to see the description.
        and laws necessitated by the current pandemic.         residency investigations. The impact of and considerations          Presenters: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL ONE Supervisor
                                                                                                                                   of Legal Research and Content Development; James J. Sarto,
                                                               pertaining to Covid-19 will also be addressed. Participants         Ed.S., Coordinator - Leaders to Leaders Program
                                                               will be provided opportunities for small group discussion of        Fee: $100 Members/$125 Non-Members                            Understanding Evolving Legal
        Listen, Learn, Act: Solving Dynamic                    how to address various scenarios.
        School Challenges in Real-Time                                                                                             This workshop will address current developments in a   Requirements for Staff Evaluation and
                                                                                                                                   variety of legal issues, including HIB case law and legislative
        Oct. 20, 2020: 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm                                                                                           issues, TEACHNJ regulations and Arbitration Decisions,   Discipline
        Presenter: Matt Macy SLED Director, and Kristen Marshall    NJLA Series 7 Session 1: The Equity                            student safety, workplace harassment, recent legislative   Oct. 27, 2020; 12:30 pm - 3 pm
        Customer Success Manager, Medallia                     Imperative: Embracing the Change                                    enactments, student health issues, social media, First   Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE Director; John
        Fee: Free                                              Equity Inspire                                                      Amendment rights and responsibilities, and other current   Farinella, Esq., NJPSA Legal Counsel and former high school
        Today’s educational environment has dramatically       Oct. 22, 2020; 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm                                   and ongoing school law topics, including COVID-19 and   Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members
        accelerated the ways in which schools engage with their                                                                    racial discrimination/disparity issues.
        students, parents, and educator across a wide variety of   Fee: $450 for a 3-session Academy. Participants must register                                                          In this workshop, participants will gain an understanding of
                                                               for all three sessions. Click here to see the description.
        interactive communication tools, including teleconferencing,                                                                                                                      key aspects of the most recent NJDOE guidance regarding
        video, SMS/text, and social media. As school/district leaders                                                                 The Connected Action Roadmap:                       staff evaluation, and recently enacted legislation impacting
        face challenging decisions on a daily basis, accessing the    Special Education Tools, Tricks                              Tools to Strengthen Virtual Teaching                   staff evaluation. Key issues to be addressed will include:
        critical data to understand the evolving needs of parents,   and Techniques: Progress Monitoring,                                                                                   • regulatory reqs included in the NJDOE guidance
        children and teachers is essential. In this webinar, learn about                                                           and Learning (PSEL Standards 4, 7,                       • health and safety protocols during the eval. process,
        a free service offered to all NJ school districts that will enable  Formal Evaluation, and Data                            and 10)                                                   incl. properly addressing the needs of supervisors w/
        leaders to:                                            Considerations during the Pandemic                                  Oct. 26, 2020; 9 am - 12:30 pm                            underlying medical conditions
          • gather feedback in real-time from parents, students,   (PSEL Standards 3,4, 5, and 6)                                  Presenters: Emil Carafa, Coordinator of Professional Learning,   • observation & evaluation of teaching staff members
            teachers, and staff to understand what the majority of   Oct. 22, 2020; 9 am - Noon                                    FEA; Vicki Duff, Coordinator of Professional Learning, FEA;   working remotely;
            stakeholders (not just the loudest) need;          Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members                                    Donna McInerney, Ed.D., CEO of FEA                       • and more!
          • become proactive- continually adapt using live time   Presenter: Teresa Herrero Taylor, PhD BCBA-D, Director of        Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members
            feedback to improve school policies, operations, and   Special Services, Jackson Township Public Schools, Chair of     Addressing student learning gaps, ensuring high quality
            student equity; and                                the NJPSA Special Education Committee                               instruction for all students, and fostering continuity of    School Climate in a Virtual World:
          • apply AI and machine learning to uncover patterns   This half-day program will provide strategies to address the       learning across virtual, in-person and blended learning   Leveraging the Power of School
            and trends, analyze issues, and predict stakeholder   challenges posed to special education processes during           environments are three of the most profound instructional   Climate Teams (PSEL Standards 3 5, 7
            behavior.                                          COVID-19. Flexible options will be presented for evaluating         challenges facing educators today. In order to meet these
                                                               student needs, determining appropriate interventions,               challenges, schools need a systems-based approach and   and 10)
                                                               monitoring student progress, and documentation of                   concrete tools that can drive the work of educators. The   Oct. 28, 2020; 9 am - Noon
            NJLA Series 7 Session 2: Climate                   instruction/services. These strategies can be used by school        Connected Action Roadmap (CAR) provides a sustainable   Presenter: Pat O’Keefe, FEA Consultant
        and Culture: Nurturing Strong, Resilient               districts regardless if instruction is in-person, hybrid, or        process for professional learning communities (PLCs) to   Fee: Free
                                                                                                                                   collaboratively and effectively implement high quality,
        Relationships for Adults and Students                  remote. Specific tools and resources will be shared with            standards-aligned instruction and assessment. Supported by   What is a school climate team (SCT) and how can it be a
                                                               participants for their own personal use.
                                                                                                                                                                                          powerful force for equity and healing during the pandemic?
        Oct. 21, 2020; 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm                                                                                          the NJ Department of Education and the leading educational   How can the SCT foster a positive school climate and address
        Fee: $450 for a 3-session Academy. Participants must register                                                              organizations across the state, CAR was recently used by   students’ trauma and social, emotional and learning needs
        for all three sessions. Click here to see the description.                                                                 teams of educators from across the state working with the   in a virtual world? Let’s take a look at Essential SEL Questions
                                                                                                                                   NJDOE to develop K-12 ELA and Math instructional units
                                                                                                                                   with common student learning objectives derived from   and how School Climate Teams can use specific and practical
                                                                                                                                   the NJ Student Learning Standards. These resources, when   “Do Now” strategies for SEL implementation. Lots of tools
                                                                                                                                   combined with the CAR conversations, offer a powerful   and resources will be provided for immediate use.
                                                                                                                                   toolkit for PLCs to address learning gaps, ensure high quality
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