Page 6 - FallCatalog2020
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• Create robust structures to empower teacher leader   Education’s Tiered System of Supports. Emphasis will be                 Hot Issues in School Law                             Political Speech for Students and
            voices in the decision-making process and enhance   placed on collaborative consultation and strategies and
            teacher leaders’ ability to support the instructional cycle  techniques for using objective data, school and community   Oct. 7, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm                            Staff: Navigating the Legal Minefield
          • Build a blueprint to enhance shared and skillful   resources, and creativity in problem solving and planning           Presenters: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL ONE Supervisor of   Oct. 15, 2020; Noon - 2 pm
                                                                                                                                   Legal Research and Content Development
            leadership through the development of teacher leaders.  I&RS cases. There will be a focus on applying structure and    Fee: $100 Members/$125 Non-Members                     Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE Director; Sandra
                                                               systematic procedures to the coordinated planning and                                                                      Jacques, Esq., LEGAL ONE Supervisor of Legal Research and
                                                               delivery of effective programs of I&RS.                             This workshop will address current developments in a   Content Development; John Farinella, Esq., NJPSA Legal
                                                                                                                                                                                          Counsel and former high school principal for the webinar;
            Diving-In to Design the NJDOE-CAR                                                                                      variety of legal issues, including HIB case law and legislative   and for the panel discussion Michael Vinella, Principal, East
        Instructional Units (PSEL Standards 4, 7,                  NJLA Series 7 Session 1:                                        issues, TEACHNJ regulations and Arbitration Decisions,   Brunswick High; Cynthia Goldman, School Counselor, Rahway
                                                                                                                                   student safety, recent legislative enactments, social media,
                                                                                                                                                                                          High School, and student leaders from East Brunswick High
        and 10)                                                The Equity Imperative: Embracing                                    First Amendment rights and responsibilities, and other   School and Rahway High School.
        Oct. 1, 2020; 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm                                                                                            current and ongoing school law topics including COVID-19   Fee: Free
        Fee: Free                                              the Change Equity Inspire                                           and racial discrimination/disparity issues.            As we approach a presidential election in tumultuous and
        Presenter: Emil Carafa, Vicki Duff & Susan Gilbert,    Oct. 5, 2020; 9 am - 1 pm                                                                                                  unprecedented times, it is critical that everyone involved
        Coordinator of Professional Learning, FEA              Fee: $450 for a 3-session Academy. Participants must register                                                              in our schools understands their rights and limitations
        The pandemic has changed the landscape as we know      for all three sessions. Click here to see the description.             Tech Tools for High Impact Learning                 when it comes to political expression. In this free webinar,
        it, in so many ways. Yet the question about instruction                                                                    (PSEL Standards 4 a nd 10)                             participants will first receive an overview of the law on
        remains the same; “What did our students learn?” Never                                                                     Oct. 8, 2020; 9 am - Noon                              political speech for students and school employees. This will
        has this question been more important, and never have         Hot Issues in Special Education                              Presenter: Bruce Preston                               be followed by a panel discussion with student leaders.
        we had a need to look more deeply at seeking answers to   Law                                                              Fee: Free                                              Key issues to be addressed will include:
        this question. This professional development workshop   Oct. 5, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm                                          Now more than ever, we need instructional strategies     • the very different legal tests applied by courts in
        will engage educational leaders and teachers to examine   Presenters: John K. Worthington, Esq., LEGAL ONE Consultant;     that leverage technology with high impact learning and    determining whether student speech or staff speech is
        how the NJDOE-CAR Instructional Units can serve as a   Barbara Gantwerk, FEA Coordinator of Special Projects               deep engagement. Using Design Thinking principles, this   protected under the First Amendment;
        platform for identifying what was taught, measuring what   Fee: $100 Members/$125 Non-Members                              workshop will model tech choices based on learning needs,
        was learned, and carving a direction for instruction to   The session will provide up to date information on               explore applications to high impact learning, and use    • clothing, flags and other symbols as political speech;
        move forward. Participants will take a deep-dive into newly   laws and guidance, including proposed changes to             classroom-ready reflective practices that build connections   • the impact of what is visible in the student, teacher or
        created resources to support the Instructional Unit template   legislation affecting the provision of services to students   to areas and topics beyond the scope of this workshop.   administrator’s home or office during periods of virtual
        and design instructional plans for use in your district. This   with disabilities during the current pandemic, and an      While the workshop will focus on engaging students with   instruction or virtual meetings;
        workshop will help participants identify a plan for addressing   opportunity to discuss and address issues regarding       their learning, intentional crossover strategies will support   • involvement in political rallies by students or staff, both
        the important question of “What did we teach during    the provision of special education and related services             connections for adult learning, increasing the opportunity for   during the school day and on off hours;
        emergent distant learning, and what did our students learn?”  to students with disabilities while schools are operating    positive in-district collaborations.                     • the rights and limitations on political speech through
                                                               pursuant to guidance and laws necessitated by the current                                                                     social media; and
               HIB Law Update                                  pandemic. This session will include the latest guidance                   Effective In-Person and Virtual                    • how to model and promote responsible civic
                                                               on determining the need for and extent of compensatory
        Oct. 2, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm                              services, the key elements to consider including in IEPs            Student Investigations                                    engagement by students with differing views on current
                                                                                                                                                                                             political and social issues.
        Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE Director; Sandra L.   moving forward, the supports that may be necessary for
        Jacques, Esq., LEGAL ONE Supervisor of Legal Research and   students reentering school, lessons to be learned from         Oct. 13, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm
        Content Development                                    recent case law, key considerations related to disparities          Presenters: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL ONE Supervisor of
        Fee: $100 Members/$125 Non-Members                     in identification and discipline rates for African American         Legal Research and Content Development; Adam Drew, CEO,
                                                                                                                                   Three Corners Law Enforcement
        Recent events will have a major impact on how school   students, and the latest guidance from the U.S. and New             Fee: $125 Members/$150 Non-Members
        districts implement New Jersey’s Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights,   Jersey Departments of Education.
        and it is essential that you know the latest, including the                                                                This course will provide a variety of tools that can be
        most recent state and federal case law, and recent guidance                                                                employed to assist you in getting to the truth in staff and
        on addressing issues related to COVID-19, racial injustice and  Start Strong Snapshot Assessments                          student investigations, including tips for conducting in-
        other current events. How should school districts address   Oct. 7, 2020; 3 pm - 4 pm                                      person and virtual investigations. The investigation tools
        issues that occurred during the statewide closure? How   Presenter: Gilbert E. Gonzalez, Director, Office of Assessments,   that we will review fall into the following categories:
        do we conduct virtual investigations? What happens when   NJ Dept. of Education                                              • Protecting Due Process Rights;
        students make posts on social media that are potentially   Fee: Free                                                         • Initial Response;                                   As a gift to our members, we are pleased to
        hurtful to other students, but mirror comments from our   To support districts in identifying learning gaps that might       • Search and Seizure;                                 offer this half-day free celebration of resilience.
        elected leaders? What new behaviors may emerge that    prevent students from successfully engaging with grade-level          • Investigation Planning;                             First, we will honor our Visionary Leaders of
        constitute HIB as schools return to in-person instruction?   New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS), the New          • Statement Collection and Analysis;                  the Year with our annual visionary awards
        Don’t miss this critical opportunity to have your questions   Jersey Department of Education Office of Assessments has                                                             ceremony. This will be followed by a fireside
        addressed on these and other emerging HIB issues.      released a series of assessment tools to provide educators            • Conducting the Interview;                           chat interview with Governor Phil Murphy,
                                                               with an initial indication of the level of support students may       • Evidence Collection, Management and Analysis;       conducted by NJPSA Executive Director Pat
            Intervention and Referral Services:                need to inform instruction in the 2020-2021 school year.              • Involving Other Key Players;                        Wright. The day will conclude with an inspiring
                                                               These resources are available to New Jersey school districts
                                                                                                                                     • Challenges of Remote Investigations;
        The Next Generation (PSEL Standards,                   at no cost and are designed to be administered flexibly to            • and Writing the Report.                             session with Captain “Sully” Sullenberger. All
                                                                                                                                                                                           attendees will receive Sully’s book, “Making a
        3, 5, and 10)                                          accommodate a wide variation in school schedules and                This workshop will include a review of lessons learned from   Difference: Stories of Vision and Courage by
        Oct. 2, 2020; 9 am - 1 pm                              formats. The Office of Assessments will share information           a number of high profile criminal and civil cases. It will   America’s Leaders.”
                                                               about administering these optional assessment resources
        Presenter: Gary Vermeire, FEA Consultant               and using the results.                                              also include a review of the due process rights available to
        Fee: $100 Members/$125 Non-Members                                                                                         students and staff, and strategies for addressing unique
        This activity-based session is designed to provide I&RS                                                                    circumstances related to students or staff with disabilities,   Register now at
        team members and school staff responsible for I&RS with                                                                    dealing with allegations of criminal conduct, responding   feacalendar
        specific concepts, tools, techniques, and practice in assessing                                                            in cases involving potential claims of discrimination,
        and addressing students’ learning, behavior and health                                                                     addressing English Language Learners and other situations
        difficulties, consistent with the New Jersey Department of                                                                 that may pose investigatory challenges.
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