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Summer Coaching Academy              surrounding the essential elements of   these visits, instructional coaches are
          The Elizabethan poet John Donne,     instruction. The intent of this learn-  afforded professional time away from
                                               ing experience is to provide a shared
                                                                                    their normal responsibilities as facili-
          wrote “No man is an island entire of   definition of high-quality instruction   tated by their supervisor or principal.
          itself; every man is a piece of the conti-  while building a culture that honors   During their second year, teachers can
          nent, a part of the main.” It is imperative   professional learning as an institution-  choose to opt-in for an additional year
          that schools recognize this and seek to   al imperative. At the culmination of the   of additional coaching support.
          empower new professionals, as the art   session, the cohort has the opportunity
          of teaching can so often feel like one   to be paired with and speak to their   Follow Up Support for
          is alone on an island. To build internal   individual instructional coach.  Coaches
          coaching capacity, the Northern Valley
          runs a multi-day learning opportunity on   During the first year of service, our   On a seasonal basis, our consortium
          best practices associated with instruc-  newest teachers attend three addi-  leadership team publishes a newslet-
          tional coaching. Seasoned full-time   tional workshops that delve into topics   ter related to best practices associated
          teachers across our schools apply to   such as classroom management, ef-  with the relevant body of professional
          become a coach within our consortium.   fective homework strategies, coopera-  literature around coaching. To do so
          A unifying force among the group is   tive learning, brain research, growth   we maintain relationships with orga-
          sustaining the concept of being a “radi-  mindset, and differentiated instruction.   nizations such as Learning Forward,
          cal learner” or one who lives to learn.   These topics are selected based on   Bergen County Curriculum Consor-
          (Knight, 2011) The cohort analyzes   survey data related to the greatest   tium, the NJDOE Teacher Leadership
          cognitive coaching and uses Lois Brown   needs of new professionals. The   Network, and NJPSA. We also hold
          Easton’s definition of coaching as the   follow-up to the learning is supported   a biannual “Coaching UnConference”
          process of taking another professional   through individual coaching sessions   where coaches can meet to share
          from where they are to where they    provided by our cohort of instructional   dialogue around topics of individual
          want to be. The intent of the program is   coaches.                       interest, new learning, and strategies
          assisting a colleague in building instruc-                                for success found within their particu-
          tional capacity, fostering trusting part-  Coaching Visits                lar professional practice.
          nerships, and customizing professional   Each coaching visit is driven by the
          learning to meet the individual needs   needs of the teacher. The initial coach-  The Results
          of the learner. (Sweeney, 2003) The   ing visit begins with a pre-conference   Our instructional coaching model
          cohort analyzes overt and covert ele-  conversation that includes dialogue   coupled with the Professional Learning
          ments that define school culture and the   around the instructional aims, strate-  Academy demonstrates tremendously
          means through which an instructional   gies to be deployed, and areas of fo-  encouraging results. 92% of teach-
          coach can serve as a change agent.   cus desired by the teacher. The coach-  ers agreed or strongly agreed that
          Time is spent on modeling collegiality   ing visit is a scheduled experience   the Professional Learning Academy
          and focusing on collaboration as the   where the coach observes a lesson   positively impacted their instructional
          shared vehicle of student achievement.   and documents it in handwritten narra-  practice while 78% agreed or strongly
          All coaches are ultimately paired with   tive form. The narrative (aka scripting)   agreed that it positively impacted
          a newly hired teacher for an ongoing   is then jointly reviewed by the teacher   student achievement. Similarly, 87%
          coaching relationship throughout their   and coach for the purpose of reflec-  of teachers felt that the instructional
          first year. This process is non-evaluative   tion. The post-observation conference   coach was valuable within their first
          and the dialogue between coach and   that follows is an open and transpar-  year. 72% of instructional coaches
          coachee is kept in the strictest confi-  ent sharing of ideas predicated upon   agreed or strongly agreed that their
          dence. Clarity is provided around the   the classroom observation data. The   work added value to the teacher’s
          confidentiality compact and coaches   scripted narrative is left in the hands   first-year experience. 86% of coaches
          sign a pledge to uphold this promise.   of the teacher for further reflection.   believed coaching positively impacted
          Principals are also provided with expec-  Follow-up coaching visits can utilize   their own professional practice. 97% of
          tations regarding this confidentiality and   the same format or may include activi-  principals and supervisors agreed that
          the need to always refrain from seek-  ties such as co-planning, data analy-  this model of support was beneficial
          ing coaches’ feedback on a teacher’s   sis, or a modeled, or co-taught lesson.   to the new teacher experience while
          performance. This understanding serves  Subsequent coaching visits support   a totality of administrators reported
          as the bedrock of a trusting and honest   the coursework of the ongoing profes-  clarity in the confidential nature of the
          coaching relationship.               sional learning workshops and include   arrangement. Coach and teacher,
                                               data collection specific to the needs of   Danielle Ruberto said, “Coaching is a
          Professional Learning                the teacher. Most frequently, the sec-  school environment builder, it brings
          Academy                              ondary coaching cycle relates specifi-  together teachers and consolidates the
          In late August, Northern Valley runs   cally to best practices associated with   building. Everyone has something to
          a three-day professional learning    classroom management. Confiden-      bring to the table.” In short, rather than
          program required for all newly hired   tiality and trust between both parties   crabs in a bucket, coaching facilitates
          teachers. Many topics are addressed   are crucial to the process. To conduct   an environment of lifelong learners.

                                            Educational Viewpoints       -39-       Spring 2019
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