Page 26 - FallCatalog2021
P. 26

Virtual Workshops and Webinars

              Reducing Significant                                         Equity in Gifted and
     Disproportionality: Legal                                 Talented Education Programming
     Requirements, Best Practices and                          – The Law, G&T Program Equity
     the Connection to Diversity, Equity,                      Audits and Urban School District
     and Inclusion                                             Programming
     Dec. 7, 2021; 1 pm - 4 pm                                 Dec. 9, 2021; 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm
     Presenter: John Worthington, Legal Consultant,            Presenters: Michael Kaelber, Esq., LEGAL ONE
     FEA/LEGAL ONE; Peggy McDonald, Ed.D., FEA                 Coordinator for Online Course Development;
     Coordinator of Special Projects; and Dorothy              Mary Beth Currie, M.S.E.Coordinator of
     McMillan, Director of Special Projects, Elizabeth         Special Projects, Foundation for Education
     Public Schools                                            Administration;Kristin Baker, MTES Lead Teacher
     Fee: $75 Members/$100 Non-Members                         of STEM, Teacher of Gifted and Talented,
     Audience: District and school administrators,             Mansfield Township School District; Karen
     child study team members                                  Machuca, Principal, Scholars Academy, Orange
     Reducing significant disproportionality in special        Magnet Program, Co-Vice President Membership,
                                                               New Jersey Association for Gifted Children
     education continues to be a federal priority
     established by the Individuals with Disabilities          Fee: $75 Members/$100 Non-Members
     Education Act of 2004 and an important step               This three-hour session will review the law on equity
     toward achieving diversity, equity and inclusion in       issues in gifted and talented education in New Jersey,
     schools. This workshop will provide an update on          including disparities in identification of protected class
     key legal responsibilities of school districts with       populations such as African- Americans and ELLs,
     respect to identifying and addressing significant         recent legislation on ELL identification and recent Office
     disproportionality and key steps for planning             of Civil Rights settlement agreements with school
     including reviewing and revising discipline               districts. Participants will be instructed on the process
     policies, addressing ACES, enhancing resources for        for completing an equity audit of their gifted and
     educators and families, and providing professional        talented program and will hear from representatives
     development. Evidence-and research-based                  of two very successful urban school district gifted and
     practices, tools and resources for using data to          talented programs; Orange School District’s Scholars
     identify root causes and reduce disproportionality        Academy and the Paterson Academy for Gifted and
     will be presented and a leader from one New Jersey        Talented.
     school district will share the district’s strategies for
     reducing disproportionality before and after federal
     changes to the calculations. Opportunities for
     discussion will be provided.

        LEGAL ONE Workshops                      FEA Professional Learning                  Star Advantage Eligible
   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31