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         Cybersecurity Issues and Schools                          Culturally Responsive Arts
     Nov. 18, 2021; 9 am - 1 pm                                Education: Fostering Student
     Presenters: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LL.M., LEGAL         Identity, Belonging, and Agency
     ONE Supervisor of Legal Research and Content
     Development; Joseph Ventre, CISSP, CIO &                  Through the Arts 4-Day Series (PSEL
     Founder,                    Standards 3, 5, and 10)
     Fee: $125                                                 Nov. 18, 2021; 1 pm - 3:30 pm
     Offered in Partnership with TMI Education                 Jan. 13, 2022; 3 pm - 4:00 pm
     Register at                          Mar. 17, 2022; 1 pm- 3:30 pm
     From multinational corporations, to small businesses,     May. 19, 2022; 3 pm - 4:00 pm
     to school districts, the need to develop strong           Presenters: Dr. Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz, Associate
     cybersecurity systems has never been greater. In          Professor, Teachers College, Columbia University;
     this session, participants will learn about their legal   Sheikia “Purple” Norris, Faculty Lead, Hip Hop
     obligations under state and federal law to safeguard      Education Programs, NJ Performing Arts Center
     student and staff information, essential protocols        (NJPAC); Latasha Casterlow-Lalla, Supervisor of
     that should be in place to reduce the potential for       Visual & Performing Arts, Passaic Public Schools;
     data breaches, and strategies for responding when         Kandice N. Point-Du-Jour, Dance Educator,
     such breaches do occur. Participants will receive         Columbia High School, South Orange Maplewood
     information on available resources and planning tools     School District
     that can assist with developing cybersecurity plans.      Fee for 4-Day Series: $275

                                                               An arts education workshop series sponsored by
           Human Resource Issues in                            Arts Ed NJ and FEA
     Schools - Primetime Workshop                              Audience: Presenters: Arts education teacher and
                                                               school leaders
     Nov. 18, 2021; 6 pm - 7:30 pm                             This four-part series will support arts educators in
     Presenters: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LL.M.,               developing cultural competence through inquiry
     LEGAL ONE Supervisor of Legal Research and                and reflection, in order to transform arts education
     Content Development; Rebecca Gold, LEGAL ONE              environments and learning experiences. Guided by the
     Consultant                                                work of Dr. Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz, Associate Professor
     Fee: $50                                                  at Teachers College, Columbia University, this
     This information-packed webinar is relevant for all       cohort model will offer arts educators a remarkable
     school employees, whether you are an HR director,         opportunity to engage in meaningful self-discovery as
     school administrator, or simply want to know your         a foundation for change. Arts educators will develop
     rights. The session will provide a review of the most     greater capacity to support student artists, helping
     recent legal developments in the area of human            them to explore identity, belonging, and agency
     resources, including a discussion of recent events        through artistic social emotional learning.
     related to COVID-19. This webinar will provide            Utilizing the Arts Education and Social Emotional
     information on the latest legal developments,             Learning Framework, participants will consider how
     including the impact of marijuana legalization for        to embed social emotional learning into culturally
     adults, a review of recent case law addressing staff      responsive arts education. The series will build capacity
     member behavior on social media, and important            of arts educators to design developmental experiences
     tools and resources for effectively balancing the         that foster artistic literacy and fluency as a catalyst for
     many responsibilities in the human resource field.        educational equity, and will feature examples from
     This session is approved for 1.3 NJ Continuing Legal      arts education practitioners impacting the field today.
     Education (CLE) credits. This session is approved for     The format will combine two half-day workshops with
     1.7 NJ Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits.          two one-hour guided discussions, intended to engage
                                                               a broad learning community. School and/or District
                                                               teams are encouraged to attend, but not required.

       Professional Learning Series or Certificate Program Workshop
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