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          Integrating Social and Emotional                          Equity in Action Leadership
     Learning with Reading and Writing                         Academy

     to Support Students in Expressing                         Dare to be BOLD: From Equity
     Themselves (PSEL Standards 4, 5,                          Aspirations to Equity in Operation
     and 10)                                                   (PSEL Standards 3, 5, 6, and 10)
     Dec. 9, 2021: 9 am - 3 pm                                 Presenters: George Guy, Dr. George Jackson, and
     Presenter: Jackie Frangis, FEA Consultant                 Heather Moran
     Fee: $125 Members/$150 Non-Members                        Session 1: Journey into the Equity Imperative
     Addressing the needs of students is most effectively      Dec. 13, 2021; 9 am - Noon
     accomplished when educators integrate social
     emotional learning with academic content. In this         Session 2: Driving the Equity Imperative Through
     session, we will:                                         Dialogue and Data
     •  explore ways to move from direct instruction           Jan. 18, 2022; 9 am - Noon
        to shared practice, guided group work, and             Session 3: Moving the Equity Imperative to
        independent application;                               Address Systemic Change Progress
     •  provide formative feedback that helps students         Feb. 8, 2022; 9 am - Noon
        clarify their thoughts and feelings while              Session 4: Equity in Operation: Now and in the
        improving their comprehension and written              Future
        expression through the lens of SEL;                    Mar. 30, 2022; 9 am - Noon
     •  develop the five SEL Competencies through              Addressing Diversity and Equity issues is one of the
        literature in order to communicate in a verbal and     most pressing challenges facing schools today. What
        written format; and                                    are your next steps? Collaborative and sustained
     •  understand how interactive writing and write           professional learning can provide leaders, equity
        alouds will engage students with their own writing.    councils, and leadership teams with the knowledge,
                                                               skills, and resources needed to systemically respond

             Building Trust & Protecting                       to issues of equity through the exploration of a
                                                               problem of practice unique to their site. In this four-
     Employee Rights                                           session academy, participants will:
     Dec. 13, 2021; 9 am - 3 pm                                •  Deepen leaders’ knowledge and skills to use and
     Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE Director;             adapt social justice practices to increase system-
     Rebecca Gold, LEGAL ONE Consultant; Paula                     wide equitable outcomes for all learners;
     Clark, Esq., Director of Human Resources, Wayne           •  Develop socio-political awareness/critical
     Township School District                                      consciousness by acknowledging and exploring
     Fee: $125 Members/$150 Non-Members                            the current reality within the educational
     This day will provide a deeper dive into the process of       environment;
     building trust with district employees and ensuring that   •  Investigate systemic barriers, within public
     employee rights are clearly understood and protected.         education, that we knowingly or unknowingly
     Best practices for communicating with employees, bar-         reinforce and that may ultimately lead to further
     gaining units and their representatives will be reviewed.     propagation of access and opportunity gaps;
     The often misunderstood details of complex law related  •  Support leaders to identify a reasonable Problem
     to family leave, workers compensation, employment             of Practice (PoP) and receive critical feedback
     discrimination, employer duties in responding to staff        on possible solutions to create an avenue for
     members with real or suspected disabilities, employee         developing a theory of change and an action plan
     certification requirements and more will also be re-          to resolve issues; and
     viewed. With staff member fear, anxiety and uncertainty  •  Use evidence of impact to assess implementation
     at all time highs due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there         measures of the PoP.
     has never been a more important time to build strong
     bonds of trust with your staff.
       Professional Learning Series or Certificate Program Workshop
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