Page 53 - FallCatalog2021
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Professional Learning Series and Certificate Programs

     Session 1: Accelerating High Quality Curriculum and Instruction for All Students

     PSEL Standards 3, 4, and 7; Teacher Leader Domains IV and V
     How is quality instruction            standards-based instruction with         curriculum and instruction;
     made more “accessible”                materials and resources that are      •  Identifying key current data
     to historically underserved           representative of the students           sources to support instruction;
     learners and what types               they serve. As leaders and               and
     of “opportunities” should             teachers collaboratively redefine     •  Building capacity for
     all students be given this            their curriculum to meet students        understanding how to create
     year to accelerate learning?          where they are, this session is          structures that ensure access
     Opportunities abound in this          designed to assist participants in:      and opportunities for deep
     new school year to engage             •  Creating a coherent definition        learning for every student.
     students in active, customized,          and examples of high-quality

     Session 2: Engaging Families in the Learning Process

     PSEL Standards 3, 5, and 8; Teacher Leader Domain VI
     How do we create collective           pathways for even stronger               into the learning process and
     ownership of the equity               connections with each other.             encourage family input; and
     vision for all learners?              Participants in this session will be   •  Creating a warm and inviting
     Developing sound partnerships         supported in:                            environment in which parents
     and relationships with families       •  Understanding the importance          are empowered to understand
     to support the learning of their         of the relationship between           curricular expectations and
     children is an essential building        family engagement and                 have opportunities to honor
     block for success for all students.      improved student outcomes;            the cultures within their
     As a result of the hybrid learning    •  Uncovering elements of                communities to extend the
     environments over the past school        successful family partnerships        learning experience.
     year, districts have revitalized their   that provide transparency
     outreach to families and created

     Session 3: Embracing Culturally Responsive Practices

     PSEL Standards 1, 3, and 6; Teacher Leader Domain 1 and VI
 Session 3
 Nov. 9, 2021  What are the inclusive      a commitment to enhancing                equity within the system;
     practices that will serve to
                                           the culture of the school and
 Nov. 23, 2021  promote staff, student, family,   district by understanding how our   •  Understanding how to identify
                                                                                    and implement the strategies
 Dec. 2, 2021  and community success? The   own biases, assumptions, and            that nurture, respect, and
 Dec. 17, 2021  time is now! Schools across New   perspectives hinder or empower    value the needs of all children
 Jan. 27, 2022  Jersey are relooking at equitable   student success. This session will   and the broader community;
 Feb. 24, 2022  practices within their systems   assist participants in:            and

 Feb. 28, 2022  to ensure that all learners are   •  Defining culturally responsive   •  Connecting SEL to culturally
     treated fairly, respectfully, and        practices;                            responsive practices and
     with the empathy they deserve.        •  Uncovering and removing               pedagogy to empower student
     Creating such a system requires          barriers and challenges to            success.
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