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Professional Learning Series and Certificate Programs

         School Law Express: Attorney Webinar Series 21-22

     The School Law Express Attorney Webinar Series is a series of 70-minute webinars designed to inform
     school attorneys, administrators, principals, supervisors and directors of important updates in the ever
     changing area of school law. Webinars will be broadcast live from 12 p.m. to 1:10 p.m. and will also
     be archived for on-demand review at any time for a full. Accessible within 30 minutes of registration
     (see confirmation email for access link). Each session is pending approval for 1.3 NJ Continuing Legal
     Education (CLE) credits.

     This series includes:

     1.  Diversity, Inclusion and Elimination of Bias - New Jersey Disparities in Student Discipline and
        Educational Opportunity - Sep. 22, 2021

     2.  What’s New in School Law? Fall 2021 - Oct. 27, 2021

     3.  What’s New in HIB Law? - Nov. 17, 2021

     4.  School Attorney Ethics Presentation - Revisiting the Legal Ethics of Representing the “Split

        Board” - Dec. 15, 2021

     5.  What’s New in Tenure & Seniority Law? - Jan. 12, 2022

     6.  What’s New in School Employment Law? - Feb. 9, 2022

     7.  What’s New in School Official Ethics Law? - Mar. 16, 2022

     8.  What’s New in Special Education Law? - Apr. 27, 2022

     9.  What’s New in School Law? Spring 2022 - May 18, 2022

     10. What’s New in Student Safety & Student Rights - Jun. 15, 2022

     The cost of each individual webinar is $40. Attendees can bundle all ten webinars at a reduced
     total cost of $300
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