Page 48 - FallCatalog2021
P. 48

Professional Learning Series and Certificate Programs

        FEA offers the professional learning you need to

        maximize your effectiveness in your current job

        and the growth opportunities you seek to help

        further your career. Often, a one-day workshop

        will provide the appropriate training you need

        to succeed. However, some critical issues require

        more in-depth training over the course of two

        or more sessions so that you can truly develop

        your expertise and make noticeable changes

        in your school or district. In most cases, the

        choice is yours, as you can choose to register for

        individual workshops or an entire series to take

        full advantage of all we offer. So, take a look at

        these professional learning series and consider

        registering for the entire group, or choose the one

        workshop within the series that you feel will help

        you most.

        For detailed descriptions of each workshop, please refer to individual listings
        by date on previous pages.
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