Page 44 - FallCatalog2021
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Virtual Workshops and Webinars

     January                                                   teaching capacities of the school community. This
                                                               workshop offers concrete strategies on the mindsets
                                                               and behaviors needed to attract and retain diversity

           Formative Assessment: The Real                           NJLA Series 8 - Session 1
     Driver of Teaching and Learning                           Accelerating High Quality
     Jan. 4, 2022: 9 am - Noon                                 Curriculum and Instruction for All
     Presenter: Kimberly Tucker, FEA Consultant                Students
     Fee: $75 Members/$100 Non-Members
     How do educators incorporate quality formative            Jan. 10, 2022; 9 am - 1 pm
     assessment? This Virtual Workshop explores how            Fee: $450 for a 3-session Academy. Participants
     formative assessment, occurring throughout every          must register for all three sessions. Click here to
     day in each classroom, can impact student learning        see the description.
     in many ways. Teachers, instructional coaches,
     supervisors, and building administrators will examine          School Climate for Adults:
     how formative assessments in our classrooms are
     designed for learning. Thus, it is imperative that the    It Matters More Than Ever
     assessments we choose to create and use are aligned  (PSEL Standards 3, 6, and 7)
     to the learning objectives we set for students. These     Jan. 11, 2022: 9 am - Noon
     assessments can then provide the evidence to              Presenters: Patricia Wright & Pat O’Keefe, FEA
     determine if the instruction that is taking place is      Consultant
     having an impact on the learning of every student.        Fee: $75 Members/$100 Non-Members

                                                               Co-sponsored with Morris-Union Jointure
          NJLA Series 8 - Session 2                            Commission
     Engaging Families in the Learning                         What is the role of the school climate team (SCT)?
                                                               If you think its function is to meet twice a year and
     Process                                                   review HIB reports, think again. This session will
     Jan. 6, 2022; 9 am - 1 pm                                 demonstrate how SCTS can be a powerful force
     Fee: $450 for a 3-session Academy. Participants           for creating positive, productive and equitable
     must register for all three sessions. Click here to       learning environments. This session will provide a
     see the description.                                      wealth of tools and resources, along with 10 specific
                                                               conversations that will help your SCT navigate the
                                                               complexities of school climate improvement.
          Culturally Responsive Strategies
     for Hiring and Retaining Diversity                        School Attorney Webinar
     Candidates (PSEL Standards 2, 3                                  What’s New in Tenure &
     and 9)                                                    Seniority Law?
     Jan. 7, 2022, 9 am - 11 am                                Jan. 12, 2022; Noon - 1:10 pm
     Presenter: Robin Harden Daniels, Ed.D. FEA                Presenters: Michael Kaelber, Esq., LEGAL ONE
     Presenter, Lead Consultant, InFlight LLC                  Coordinator for Online Course Development;
     Fee: $75 Members/$100 Non-Members                         Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LL.M., LEGAL ONE
     Building a diverse pool of applicants has become          Supervisor of Legal Research and Content
     increasingly difficult. Districts engaged in equity       Development; Rebecca Gold, LEGAL ONE
     initiatives struggle to attract, hire and retain          Consultant
     candidates whose experiences broaden the collective  Fee: $40

        LEGAL ONE Workshops                      FEA Professional Learning                  Star Advantage Eligible
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