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Professional Learning Series and Certificate Programs

         LEGAL ONE Express: Interactive Webinar Series 21-22

     Eleven webinars for all levels of school staff have been specially crafted for the 2021-22 school year.
     Each webinar can be purchased individually or bundled all together at a discounted rate. Each session
     is 60 or 70* minutes long and is accessible within 30 minutes of registration*Events noted with an
     asterisk are approved for 1.3 NJ Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits.
     We know that getting out of your district or even committing to a specific time for professional
     learning isn’t always easy. That’s why we are pleased to offer this comprehensive and interactive series
     of one-hour school law webinars on timely issues that participants can also review on-demand for
     up to 1 year after the event. Each webinar will include a brief overview of the latest developments
     in select areas of school law, followed by a Q & A. Each webinar will be held from 3:30 - 4:30 pm
     (*or until 4:40 pm for CLE eligible events) and will also be archived for later review by participants.
     Accessible within 30 minutes of registration (see confirmation email for access link).

     1.  HIB and the Return to School - Sep. 1, 2021

     2.  Student 1st Amendment Rights in Light of the July 2021 U.S. Supreme Court Decision -
        Sep. 21, 2021

     3.  Developing Support Plans for At-Risk Students - Oct. 21, 2021

     4.  Implicit Bias, Disproportionality and the Law - Nov. 9, 2021

     5.  Schools and Law Enforcement Working Together - Dec. 16, 2021

     6.  The Strengthening Gifted Education Act – What’s New? What Remains? What Will be? -
        Jan. 19, 2022

     7.  Student Confidentiality: Who Gets to Know What and When - Feb. 17, 2022

     8.  Bringing It All Together: A Systematic Approach to Student Safety - Mar. 15, 2022

     9.  Human Resource Requirements, Best Practices & the Law - Apr. 5, 2022

     10. You Can’t Make This #$%^& Up! - School Law Horror Stories and Lessons to Be Learned -
        May 12, 2022

     11. Summertime and Legal Liability - Jun. 9, 2022

     Purchase these as a bundle or individually (including archived webinars).
     Individual Webinars = $40
     Buy All 11 Webinars = $330
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