Page 46 - FallCatalog2021
P. 46

Virtual Workshops and Webinars

     story in the next 3 years and do it with the people            How to Track Student Data
     and resources you already have.
                                                               Stress-Free through Gamification

          Being the Mindful Educator Starts                    (PSEL Standards 5, 7, and 10)
     With Self-Care (PSEL Standards 5, 6,                      Jan. 25, 2022: 9 am - Noon

     and 7)                                                    Presenter: Dr. Michael Gaskell, Principal,
                                                               Hammarskjold Middle School, East Brunswick
     Jan. 21, 2022: 9 am - Noon                                Public Schools
     Presenter: Jackie Frangis, FEA Consultant                 Fee: $75 Members/$100 Non-Members
     Fee: $75 Members/$100 Non-Members                         Audience: Administrators, coaches, team leaders,
     The practices of mindfulness are being integrated         and classroom teachers
     in classrooms and schools worldwide. Research             Gamification tools are fun and engaging and offer far
     studies clearly indicate mindfulness decreases stress,    more in tracking and propelling student performance
     anxiety and hostility while benefiting well-being,        than educators currently harness. We need quick
     academic performance, social relationships. Join us       access to student assessment data now more
     as we discover how contemplative techniques can be        than ever but how do we do this without adding
     powerful tools in our professional and personal lives.    stress to the lives of our students? Using data from
     Together we will:                                         gamification tools offers this answer.
     •  Explore how our inner development can cultivate        Discover the power of using gamification apps such
        the values that foster compassion and courage in       as Kahoot, Peardeck, Nearpod, Flipgrid, Padlet, and
        our circles of influence.                              Jamboard to integrate standards-aligned formative
     •  Engage in mindfulness practices to effectively         assessments, export student responses and track
        regain our time and energy.                            student performance to support student learning,
     •  Develop simple skills for peace and productivity       celebrate small wins, and motivate learners.
        our ourselves, students and school community.
     •  Identify tools such as the RAIN Technique and
        more to deepen professional and personal                        Adapting the Code of
        relationships.                                         Conduct to the Post-COVID Era
                                                               Jan. 25, 2022; 9 am - 3 pm

          ERACISM: Confronting &                               Presenter: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE Director
     Eradicating Racist Imagery                                Fee: $125 Members/$150 Non-Members
                                                               This session will review the key legal requirements
     (PSEL Standards 6 and 7)                                  that must be in place for the Code of Student Conduct
     Jan. 24, 2022: 9 am - Noon                                in every school district and provide a framework for
     Presenter: Erik James Montgomery, Teaching                how school districts should adapt the Code of Con-
     Artist, Young Audiences                                   duct to effectively address the student behaviors and
     Fee: $75 Members/$100 Non-Members                         student needs of the post-COVID era. Participants will
                                                               learn about the essential due process rights available
     This professional learning session introduces             to students and parents, the parameters for address-
     participants to the history of racism in America.         ing student behavior away from school grounds, key
     Participants learn how images are used to perpetuate      requirements related to bullying and other common
     racist mindsets and understand how racism is found        student behavior, requirements related to student use
     in the arts. Participants use their understanding         of controlled substances, major developments regard-
     to identify the negative impact racist images have        ing student First Amendment rights and comments on
     on students and identify how their teaching and           social media, and key policies, protocols and reporting
     learning can dismantle racism in America.                 requirements for every district.

        LEGAL ONE Workshops                      FEA Professional Learning                  Star Advantage Eligible
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