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     Webinar                                                         The Connected Action
           Schools and Law Enforcement                         Roadmap: A Systemic Process for
     Working Together Webinar                                  Strengthening Teaching, Leading,
     Dec. 16, 2021; 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm                          and Learning
     Presenters: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LL.M., LEGAL         Dec. 16, 2021; 9 am - 3 pm
     ONE Supervisor of Legal Research and Content              Presenters: Emil Carafa, FEA; Vicki Duff, FEA; Dr.
     Development & Adam Drew, CEO, Three Corners               Donna McInerney, CEO of FEA
     Law Enforcement
     Fee: $40                                                  Fee: $125 Members/$150 Non-Members
     When schools and Law Enforcement have a strong            Addressing students’ unfinished learning, ensuring
     working relationship, everyone benefits. This webinar     equitable access to high-quality instruction for all
     will provide an overview of the key provisions of         students, and embedding key social-emotional
     the Memorandum of Agreement between School                learning competencies in daily classroom practice
     Districts and local Law Enforcement. Participants will    are three of the most profound challenges facing
     develop a clear understanding of mandatory reporting      educators today. In order to meet these challenges
     requirements, appropriate means of information            schools need a systems-based approach and
     sharing, and best practices for working together to       concrete tools that can drive the work of educators.
     promote student safety.                                   The Connected Action Roadmap, supported by the
                                                               NJ DOE and the leading educational organizations,
                                                               provides a sustainable process for professional
             Learning & Growing From                           learning communities through a series of targeted
     Real World Changes                                        PLC conversations supported by an extensive toolkit
                                                               of strategies, resources, and protocols.
     Dec. 16, 2021; 9 am - 3 pm
     Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE Director;
     Rebecca Gold, LEGAL ONE Consultant; Paula                     NJLA Series 8 - Session 3
     Clark, Esq., Director of Human Resources, Wayne           Embracing Culturally Responsive
     Township School District
     Fee: $125 Members/$150 Non-Members                        Practices
     This day will provide strategies for dealing with         Dec. 17, 2021; 9 am - 1 pm
     the many unique and unexpected situations that            Fee: $450 for a 3-session Academy. Participants
     may arise despite having in place strong policies         must register for all three sessions. Click here to
     and procedures. It will include a detailed review         see the description.
     of case law and the lessons that can be learned
     related to employee rights and employee discipline.
     Participants will also be provided with a series of
     real world scenarios that require application of
     knowledge gained throughout the Institute to real
     world challenges. With school districts working
     through this unprecedented period, participants will
     learn valuable lessons about do’s and don’ts when
     addressing staff member rights during a pandemic.

       Professional Learning Series or Certificate Program Workshop
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