Page 47 - FallCatalog2021
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             Working With Law Enforce-                         emotional learning, and promote educational equity
                                                               by addressing opportunity gaps that have been
     ment and Adapting the Code of                             exacerbated by the pandemic. This symposium will
     Conduct to Ensure Equity                                  provide resources and guidance on providing high-

     Jan. 26, 2022; 9 am - 3 pm                                quality afterschool and summer learning programs in
     Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE                   your school district.
     Director; Adam Drew, CEO, Three Corners Law
     Enforcement; Larry Leverett, Ed.D., Coordinator,                   Adapting the Code of
     New Jersey Network of Superintendents, former
     Superintendent, former Assistant Commissioner,            Conduct to Address Specialized
     NJDOE                                                     Populations
     Fee: $125 Members/$150 Non-Members                        Jan. 27, 2022; 9 am - 3 pm
     Description: This session will review key legal           Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE Director;
     requirements related to student discipline and            John K. Worthington, Esq., LEGAL ONE Consultant
     equity, including requirements to identify and            Fee: $125 Members/$150 Non-Members
     address significant disparities in students subject       This session will review key legal requirements
     to discipline based on race and other protected           related to addressing student behavior for students
     characteristics. This session will include a detailed     with disabilities, English language learners and
     review of the Memorandum of Agreement between             students with other specialized needs. It will include
     Education and Law Enforcement, tips for properly          a review of the extensive due process rights available
     defining the role of the SRO, discussion of the           when addressing behavior for students under
     impact of marijuana legalization, and strategies for      IDEA, key aspects of manifestation determinations,
     identifying and addressing implicit biases that may       the role of functional behavior assessments and
     influence student discipline.                             behavior intervention plans, the process for
                                                               addressing students with disabilities who may
        Symposium on Evidence-Based                            represent a danger to self or others, the obligation to
     Practices in Afterschool and                              communicate effectively with non-English speaking
                                                               parents, and other considerations that come into
     Summer Learning Programs                                  play when addressing student behavior related to

     Jan. 26, 2022: 9 am - Noon                                underlying mental health issues, adverse childhood
     Presenters: Terry Peterson, PhD, Director,                experiences or other unique circumstances.
     Afterschool and Community Learning Network;
     Chairperson of Board of Directors, After School
     Alliance. Diane Genco, Executive Director,               Save the Date
     NJSACC; national and state afterschool and
     education leaders.
     Fee: $75 Members
     Co-sponsored by NJSACC
     Substantial new funding from the American Rescue
     Plan is now available for comprehensive, well-
     designed, and delivered summer enrichment and
     afterschool programs. Evidence-based afterschool
     and summer learning programs can accelerate
     academic development, support social and

       Professional Learning Series or Certificate Program Workshop
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