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Disrupting the Elementary Narrative:

          Challenging Heteronormativity in the

          Elementary School Classroom

          By Necole Jadick, Principal, Wayne Township Public Schools

          “To teach in a manner that           Hooks quotation exemplifies the needs  elementary students. Accordingly, we

          respects and cares for the           these of students. With consistently   must begin our work at this level.
                                               reported higher rates of harassment
          souls of our students is             and violence, accompanied by a lack   With statewide legal supports such as
                                                                                    the Law Against Discrimination (LAD)
          essential if we are to provide       of confidence that school officials will   and the Harassment, Intimidation,
                                               come to their aid, it is our LGBTQ+
          the necessary conditions             students whose souls we must handle   and Bullying (HIB) law, New Jersey
                                                                                    schools are poised to be leaders in
          where learning can most              with extreme delicacy. According to   creating equitable, welcoming learning
                                               a study released by The Williams
          deeply and intimately                Institute at the UCLA School of Law,   environments for all students regard-
                                                                                    less of gender, gender expression,
                                               an estimated 0.7% of youth ages      or gender identity. To do so, we must
          begin.” (Bell Hooks, Teaching to     13 to 17 identify as transgender in   challenge gender norms and assump-
          Transgress - 1993)                   the United States (Blad, 2017). Yet,   tions in our classrooms and develop
          One needs only to look at the statistics   these children do not materialize in   a greater awareness of how these
          for LGBTQ+ youth to see how this Bell   middle and high school - they are our   norms and assumptions impact our

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