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P. 104

What About Word Study? Phonics Instruction

      in the Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop Classroom

      By Suzanne Ackley, Supervisor of Intervention Services, Franklin Township
      and Anthony Benjamin, Principal, Highland Park

      There are people in the field        about word study?” Where does it fit   tal spelling approach that was imple-
      of education who believe             within the literacy block? What are   mented was the teacher’s ability to
                                           teachers using to deliver appropriate
                                                                                differentiate instruction to the student’s
      that it is not necessary to          phonics instruction for each child in   exact developmental level.
      include spelling as part of          the classroom?                       Students were initially assessed in
      literacy instruction because         These are some of the questions the   September with a spelling inventory;
                                                                                they were reassessed in January
                                           principal and supervisor asked them-
      of our access to technology.         selves as they began piloting use of   and then again in June. The major
      Imagine being in a school district in   a developmental spelling approach to   difference between developmental
                                           phonics instruction. Students in the el-
                                                                                spelling instruction for word study
      which there is no phonics instruction   ementary grade levels needed support   and the traditional spelling instruction
      within the English Language Arts     in the area of word study so that letter/  from a textbook is that the students
      curriculum. How will kids learn to apply   sound knowledge could positively   study a not-yet-mastered phonics
      letter/sound knowledge while reading   impact their literacy levels in read-  skill, determined by their assessment
      or writing without phonics instruction?   ing and increase their overall writing   results, for two weeks at a time. After
      Balanced literacy instruction includes   abilities. Students in this school setting   two weeks of word study instruction
      phonics instruction along with reading   were from a diverse range of needs   the student then demonstrates his or
      and writing strategies (Retrieved from   as learners, from those receiving ESL   her ability to use that phonics pattern   services to those who had IEPs and   correctly. If the student does not have
      literacy-instruction/). As schools   were in inclusive classrooms. One of   mastery of the phonics skill, the word
      embrace the workshop model in their   the major benefits of the developmen-  study can continue with that skill
      classrooms, they need to ask, “what

                                           Educational Viewpoints       -102-       Spring 2018
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