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Husband and Wife. Principal and
Teacher. Learner and Leader.
Sometimes the Hard Truth Comes
From Those You Love the Most
By Chris Marangon, Principal, Rockaway Township; and Dani Marangon,
Special Education Teacher Mount Olive Township
My wife often tells her ent ways. This is one of my favorite All parents have unique parenting
students that there are aspects of education, teachers can styles, but we have recently begun
to see clear differences in how we
play upon their distinct personalities,
multiple right answers, but interests, and talents to present the respond to school situations with
same information as their colleagues, our sons and it seems to be directly
there are clear wrong ones. but in unique ways. I have been an related to our professional roles and
This statement holds true for many elementary principal for five years and experiences. Our oldest is in third
aspects of our lives and is something a teacher for 10 prior to that. My wife grade and as homework, tests, and
I see every day as a principal while I is an elementary special education extracurricular activities have in-
walk around my school, checking in teacher and working toward her prin- creased, my wife and I have clearly
on each classroom. Across my build- cipal certification. I never thought how taken on different views toward
ing, teachers are presenting the same our unique teaching personalities and parenting. I typically speak to him in
curriculum and meeting the same experiences in education would come terms of consequences and expec-
standards, but doing it in quite differ- into play as we parent our children. tations, with an eye toward future
Educational Viewpoints -107- Spring 2018