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for another two weeks. This direct Using grade level team meetings to strategies, and ultimately shape the
explicit instruction is best practice for communicate a vision and establish research based best practices that are
the English Learner, the student with expectations for high quality word implemented daily in the school.
an IEP or 504, and also the student study discussions was highly effective This began as a voluntary pilot and
who prefers to learn in kinesthetic and for the following reasons: Grade level teachers across several grade levels
tactile ways. Word sorts, writing words team meetings are a more personable participated. So specific data will be
in different mediums such as in sand small group setting where teachers shared that includes English Learn-
or plastic bag filled with gel, and using are encouraged to ask questions, ers and students in Special Education.
the words in phonics games are all unlike faculty or professional learn- Within a class of 20 learners, the mean
strategies that support the students ing community (PLC) meetings which point gain on the spelling inventory from
while utilizing multiple modalities. In occur with large groups of teachers. September to June was 16.5 and the
short, word study instruction is effective It provides the instructional leader the median gain was 14. What does that
when it includes visual, auditory, opportunity to get to know individual indicate? Students grew in their ability
kinesthetic, and tactile methods of teachers and group dynamics, while to spell entire words correctly, as well
instruction (http://learningabledkids. providing perspective on how to bet- as their ability to apply phonics patterns
com/learning-styles/vakt-visual- ter support a small group of teachers correctly in larger words. More than one
auditory-kinesthetic-tactile). whose concerns might be specific to student who had just nine words spelled
“Struggling readers need to learn that grade level or content area. correctly in September doubled this to a
to decode words. Phonics is a very Grade level team meetings provide total of 18 in June. Great progress was
useful tool for identifying unfamiliar the opportunity to progress monitor made because of word study instruction.
words,...” Tompkins stated (2014, students. After the initial word study By June, seven of the second grade
p.155). She continues to argue that planning meeting and discussions, students were operating at the highest
teachers should, “teach spelling pat- teachers were encouraged to reflect developmental level, which typically be-
terns and have students practice us- upon their implementation and practice. gins in fourth grade. Those second grad-
ing them in word sorts,” (2014, p.155). Closely analyzing student data affords ers were working above grade level, and
This is exactly what occurred during the instructional leader and team an received the differentiated instruction
the implementation of word study in- opportunity to develop creative solutions they needed in order to be supported as
struction pilot within the literacy block. to problems. Identifying whether readers and writers. The highest point
Students were given direct instruction patterns in student skill gaps reveal a gain from September to June was 36
about spelling patterns and then were gap in curriculum or instruction can lead total points. Five students also gained
tasked to sort, write, and use those to additional professional development 20 or more total points between their
words in context. The application of (Brooke, 2017). Sustained observation September assessment and their June
word study skills is evident in a stu- of grade-level meetings yielded insight assessment from just one classroom.
dent’s oral reading. When a student into the effect of helping teachers What does that show us? Students
successfully decodes a word with link research and standards in ways progressed from the emergent levels
the phonics pattern that has been that raised expectations (Harris and of word study to the higher levels
studied, the student’s accuracy rate Chrispeels, 2006). Grade level team of word study within one academic
improves. Word study has a direct meetings for professional development year. Students who had entered
and positive impact on a child’s read- time supported our pilot of word study second grade with a Kindergarten
ing and writing abilities. instruction and can be utilized to level of word study were working on
In order to launch the pilot the princi- successfully launch curriculum updates. grade level phonics skills by the end
pal and supervisor met and developed These meetings are ideal settings of the school year. So what about
a plan to utilize grade level team meet- to develop teacher leaders who can word study? Have you considered
ings for professional development. support their grade level peers, model implementing it in your school?
About the Author
Suzanne Ackley currently serves as the Supervisor of Intervention Services for Franklin Twp. School
district, and formerly served as Supervisor of Humanities K-12th grade. After teaching primary grade
levels, she became a Reading and Math interventionist for Seabrook School and later served as a
Master Literacy Teacher for a K-8th grade school in New Jersey. She is a certified Reading Specialist
with a passion for research based literacy instruction.
Anthony Benjamin is the principal of Bartle Elementary in Highland Park, NJ, where he serves as
the VP of the administrators association. He has over 19 years in education serving as Principal, Vice
Principal, Supervisor, Gifted and Talented Coordinator and Teacher. Anthony received his Bachelor's
and first Masters from Seton Hall University and his second Masters from Columbia University, Teachers
College, where he started his doctorate in the Curriculum & Teaching doctoral program. Anthony was
named the Middlesex County Education Association 2016 Administrator of the Year.
Educational Viewpoints -103- Spring 2018