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assignment, and discussion within the experiences. The key is to ensure pacities. The third characteristic is to
mid-career program is a challenge that our learning never ends and that instill, sustain, and support the belief
to the assumptions that I have built we engage in learning circumstances that leaders can grow and change.
and sustained over 30 years as an that continuously support our ability to As leaders committed to continuous
educator, which is imperative to my lead in school environments that are change, we need to embrace that we
journey of continuous growth. designed to progress the achievement may not know everything. Our leader-
The mid-career program is designed to, of all students. ship positions often put us in situations
not only educate the students through I believe that as leaders in educational where we are expected to know all the
course content, but to also push us communities, it is our responsibility answers, and the inability to not know
past our comfort zones into spaces to grow professionally for the entire everything is often judged as inad-
where we may grow and evolve into duration of our careers. We should equate leadership by others. The truth
more effectual leaders. In his article in never declare or consider that we have is that there isn’t anyone who knows
the Harvard Business Review, Andy reached our maximum capacity to learn everything, and a sign of intelligence
Molinsky contends that if you are not and grow. Our professional learning is the recognition of the need to know
outside your comfort zone, you will not endeavors are not only self-serving more and the resources that are re-
learn anything. He outlines the steps but also a model for our fellow educa- quired to acquire the knowledge.
as to first know yourself and what tors. The needs of the students and During my more than 30 years as an
experiences cause you discomfort. A teachers are constantly growing, so it educator in New Jersey in roles of a
second step is to own your behavior is expected that the support they need teacher, principal, and school board
and modify circumstances so that they from leaders is ever changing and member, I have attended a countless
support the behaviors of discomfort. therefore leaders must change too. number of professional development
For example, if it is difficult for you to As school leaders we are expected experiences, all directed on different
speak in front of large groups, find to support the teachers by providing aspects of professional improvement.
small groups to speak to. Finally, professional development opportunities However, the life-changing profes-
take the plunge, emerge yourself into embedded within the district constructs sional development were the experi-
circumstances of discomfort to learn so that teachers are continuously sup- ences that shifted my viewpoint away
and grow. (Molinsky, 2016) ported to grow. The expectation should from my assumptions, and biases,
As a result of my program experiences, be that the leaders engage and model and into the direction to think in ways
my identity has evolved from a school the importance of professional growth that I have never thought before.
leader serving the students in my cur- for the educators within their respec- Since that beginning summer week,
rent place of work, to a school leader tive communities. To grow as leaders one weekend a month I pack my suit-
thinking about serving and advocat- and conduct informed, positive, change case, load my Penn backpack with my
ing for all students within the diverse within our educational communities, it is laptop and books, and make the drive
populations of all our schools. Step- imperative that we are supported with to University of Pennsylvania to learn
ping outside of my biases and beliefs the professional learning experiences with my cohort colleagues and from the
to be more considerate and aware of that continuously strengthen our skill most interesting, dedicated, professors
the perspectives of other people has sets to be effective leaders. that I have ever had the privilege to
enlightened my understanding of the Professional learning experiences are learn from. Every one of my cohort col-
needs of our students that we are all presented in many different forms to leagues arrive month after month with
committed to serve. include formal learning experiences their professional and personal wisdom
The experiences in the program have as well as informal experiences such that they contribute to our learning ex-
not only developed my professional as learning from colleagues in educa- periences as we navigate through our
knowledge but have also enriched my tional settings. While the professional required course together.
life personally in a myriad of ways. In development experiences may occur The importance of life-long learning
particular, my life is enriched because in different forms, there are specific must not be undervalued. Professional
I have learned just as much from my characteristics of a professional devel- development should be meaningful,
colleagues as I have from the content opment experience that may increase relative to the participants needs,
of the coursework. The diverse per- the learning effectiveness. In an article inspiring, and embedded in the culture
spectives of my colleagues continue by Goldring, Preston, and Huff, (2012), of any organization. This is something
to expand my knowledge so that I am Gray and Bishop (2009) outline the that we should keep in mind when
more aware of what I do not know three key characteristics for school as leaders we plan professional
and in what particular professional leader professional development. They development for the teachers.
areas I need to grow and improve. include a component of assessment for
I am certain that as educators you strengths, areas of growth, and devel- Let us continue to learn from one
have experienced similar profes- opment. Challenging leaders by provid- another. We all have the need to grow
sional development experiences within ing professional development outside and change no matter where we are
your workspaces and formal learning their comfort zones by engaging them in our careers; we may be beginning
in new experiences to build their ca- teachers or teachers who have taught
Educational Viewpoints -105- Spring 2018