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Retirement: A Decision That Is
About More Than Numbers
By Dr. Hope Blecher, Curriculum Coordinator, Teaneck, NJ.
I've heard it before, just not For the veterans in education in our I have walked the walk and talked the
state, for those who have dedicated talk. But this is not my autobiography
about me. Why is she hanging on? countless Sundays writing lesson plans or memoir; this is about more than
She's got the numbers; she should go. and/or grading papers, for those who that. It is about being part of countless
What's she waiting for? Fast forward deeply and truly feel and believe that lives, those of the people, the children,
to the teachers, the administrators education is about the whole child parents, teachers and administrators,
and those veteran practitioners who and that a child and an educator are who’ve opened doors, crossed
we don't dare call old timers. Which more than a number, the decision to thresholds, and closed doors as in
numbers tell their stories? When do remain in the game or to retire is not a “hey watch out, it will hit you in the
we call it a day and retire? When do headline in the sport’s section nor is it rear.” It’s about those handwritten
we hold on because we believe we still so black and white. I know because as thank you notes, those crayon
have at least one more great lesson you read this article, I am among those drawings, those apple mugs and
to teach, or because we haven't yet “old timers” or “experienced” educators graduation photos.
taught the lesson we've wanted to grappling with just such a decision.
teach before we retire?
Educational Viewpoints -110- Spring 2018