Page 57 - The Doula Hub - Flip book_Neat
P. 57

B U I L D I N G  T H E  B A B Y  B U N K E R

                                                                                                                       •   Treat this time

  The Theory                                                                                                               as a true baby
  Behind The 4th                                                                                                           moon. It’s not
                                                                                                                           about shaming
  • This time is                                                                                                           you for going
     about evolving                                                                                                        out - if you
     and cementing                                                                                                         want to go to

     family                                                                                                                the pub, go -
     relationships -                                                                                                       but build a
     with yourself,
     your partner,                                                                                                         fence around
     your family and                                                                                                       these 30 days.
     baby.                                                                                                             •   Babies don’t
                                                                                                                           develop their
  • Ask yourself
     how you would                                                                                                         circadian
     treat your sister                                                                                                     rhythms until 4
     or best friend –                                                                                                      months- no
     what support                                                                                                          concept of day
     and kindness                                                                                                          or night yet.
     she would need                                                                                                        Sleep training

     at this time,                                                                                                         isn’t a thing.
     then give it to
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