Page 62 - The Doula Hub - Flip book_Neat
P. 62

T H E  T R U T H

                                                                              A B O U T  S L E E P

                                                                          • RHYTHM - Your baby’s circadian
                                                                               rhythms are not established until 4

                                                                               months so the notion of making them
                                                                               sleep through the night in the early

                                                                               weeks and months is just not possible
                                                                               or logical.

                                                                          • INTERVALS – Newborn babies wake

                                                                               every 2-3 hours to feed because their
                                                                               stomach’s can only hold a small amount

                                                                               of milk so they need to feed little and

                                                                          • KNOWLEDGE - The most powerful

                                                                               starting point in sleep coaching (rather
                                                                               than sleep training) is the

                                                                               understanding of normal infant sleep
                                                                               patterns and how you can work with
                                                                               them to make sure you all get what you

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