Page 72 - HEHE
P. 72

X. Other regulations

          1. When an event is canceled or postponed because of uncontrollable events like natural
          disasters, diseases, or armed conflicts, the organizers are not liable.
          2. The organizers reserve the  right  to cancel the event on the day of the  event due to
          unfavorable weather or uncontrollable force majeure and refuse to reimburse the partici-
          pant for their entry fee.
          3. Before the race, the organizers have the authority to alter the rules and regulations of the
          competition and to inform the competitors via the race's official website and media outlets.
          Athletes will have their results, prizes, and official results canceled if they do not follow the
          event's rules, including the modified rules.
          4. The race organizers are allowed to use participant data indefinitely for legitimate purpos-
          es on media websites, advertising, and information to cover and promote the event. This
          includes using participant data, photos, videos featuring images of the participant, and
          athlete activities (including recording images of athletes at the event). Athletes must be
          aware of and consent to  have their name and likeness published on the VnExpress
          Marathon event's media pages as a runner. The participating athletes have consented to
          confirm this clause in the program's registration section.

          5. The registered athlete's jersey cannot be altered in size. Before choosing to register their
          size, competitors should carefully review the information based on the shirt size table given
          in the registration form.

          6. The loss or destruction of personal things in the athlete's storage space is not the organiz-
          er's fault. For safety, the organizers have the right to check any bags and personal goods
          kept in the personal items area.
          7. All grievances and inquiries concerning the outcomes must be directed to the organizers
          for resolution.
          8. The organizing committee's decision is binding.
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