Page 68 - HEHE
P. 68

V. Monitoring the racetrack

         1. Any athlete who disobeys the referee's instructions, makes offensive comments, acts
         unsportsmanlike, speaks, or behaves in a way that offends the event's personnel, volunteers,
         participants, or spectators may be disqualified from the competition.

         2. A runner who leaves the track is not permitted to come back for any reason. Those who
         deliberately abbreviate the course ("Take a shortcut") will be eliminated from the competi-
         tion. The race-track referee, members of the organizing committee, and the recording
         security equipment will all record any fraudulent activity.

         3. The athlete must be aware of and adhere to the rules of the race. If runners don't stay on
         the correct path, their times and results won't be modified for whatever reason. (For exam-
         ple, running more than is necessary or in the incorrect direction will not add time to the
         overall race time).

         4. Athletes that sign up for the event without having their official BIB number, a timer, or a
         non-personal timer will not be allowed to compete in any races that the organizing commit-
         tee sponsors.
         5. Athletes are not allowed to receive any other support, except support from fixed stations,
         runners on the track, medical assistance, or other emergency assistance under the permis-
         sion of the Organizing Committee.
         6. While running, athletes are not entitled to any help from vehicles with wheels or motors.
         except for athletes with impairments who have the Organizing Committee's clearance.

         7. Animals, explosives, combustible materials, pneumatics, hazardous materials, and other
         anything that could endanger or inconvenience other track users are prohibited.
         8. The following situations give the organizer the right to keep the runner's bib and hand it
         back to them at the referee counter only after the race is over.
         +) Runners start after the starting gate has closed.
         +) Runners wear two or more bibs throughout the race.

         +) Runners do not complete the course by the Cut-Off-Time (COT) point by the time allotted
         by the organizers.
         +) Runners stop road races.

         Athletes who violate one of the above contents, though on a case-by-case basis, will be
         considered as DNQ (Do-not-Qualify), DNF (Do-not-Finish) or DNS (Do-not-Start).
         VI. Safety for participants

         1. Wheeled vehicles are rarely used by sportsmen or other authorities. Any vehicle with
         wheels, including  bicycles,  skateboards, baby  strollers,  and  skates,  is  prohibited  from

         2. Any vehicle with wheels, including bicycles, skateboards, baby strollers, and skates, is
         prohibited from running.
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