P. 10

Bakr preferred to be by the side of the Prophet, the Prophet was worried about
               Abu  Bakr's  safety  because  his  tribe  was  a  weak  tribe,  unable  to  protect  him
               from the threats of the Quraysh infidels.

               Meneladani Abu Bakar ra.

               Pertama, meneladani kecintaannya kepada Rasulullah.

               According to Abu Bakr ra.

               First, imitate his love for the Prophet.

               Diriwayatkan  dari  Aisyah  radhiallahu  ‘anha,  ia  menceritakan,  setiap  harinya
               Rasulullah  selalu  datang  ke  rumah  Abu  Bakar  di  waktu  pagi  atau  di  sore  hari.
               namun pada hari dimana Rasulullah diizinkan untuk  berhijrah, beliau datang tidak
               pada  waktu  biasanya.  Abu  Bakar  yang  melihat  kedatangan  Rasulullah  berkata,
               “Tidaklah  Rasulullah  datang  di  waktu  (luar  kebiasaan)  seperti  ini,  pasti  karena
               ada  urusan  yang  sangat  penting”.  Saat  tiba  di  rumah  Abu  Bakar,  Rasulullah
               bersabda,  “Aku  telah  diizinkan  untuk  berhijrah”.  Kemudian  Abu  Bakar
               menanggapi,  “Apakah  Anda  ingin  agar  aku  menemanimu  wahai  Rasulullah?”
               Rasulullah menjawab, “Iya, temani aku”. Abu Bakar pun menangis.

               It  was  narrated  from  Aisyah  radhiallahu  'anha,  she  narrated,  every  day  the
               Prophet always came to Abu Bakr's house in the morning or in the afternoon.

               but on the day that the Prophet was allowed to emigrate, he did not come at his
               usual time. Abu Bakr who saw the arrival of the Messenger of Allah said, "The
               Messenger  of  Allah  did  not  come  at  a  time  (out  of  the  ordinary)  like  this,  it
               must be because there are very important matters." When he arrived at Abu
               Bakr's house, the Messenger of Allah said, "I have been allowed to emigrate".
               Then  Abu  Bakr  replied,  "Do  you  want  me  to  accompany  you,  O  Messenger  of
               Allah?" The Prophet replied, "Yes, accompany me". Abu Bakr was crying.

               Dalam  riwayat  lain,  Anas  mengatakan,  “Kami  tidaklah  pernah  merasa  gembira

               sebagaimana rasa gembira kami ketika mendengar sabda Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi
               wa  sallam:  Anta  ma’a  man  ahbabta  (Engkau  akan  bersama  dengan  orang  yang
               engkau  cintai).”Anas  pun  mengatakan,  “Kalau  begitu  aku  mencintai  Nabi
               shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, Abu Bakar, dan ‘Umar. Aku berharap bisa bersama
               dengan  mereka  karena  kecintaanku  pada  mereka,  walaupun  aku  tidak  bisa
               beramal seperti amalan mereka.” (HR. Bukhari).

               In another narration, Anas said, "We never felt as happy as we were when we
               heard  the  words  of  the  Prophet  sallallaahu  'alaihi  wa  sallam:  Anta  ma'a  man
               ahbabta (You will be with the person you love)." Anas also said, " Then I love the
               Prophet  sallallaahu  'alaihi  wa  sallam,  Abu  Bakr,  and  'Umar.  I  hope  to  be  with
               them  because  of  my  love  for  them,  even  though  I  can't  do  good  deeds  like

               theirs." (Narrated by Bukhari).
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