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will be called from the door of fasting, namely the door of Rayyan. Then Abu
Bakr asked; “If someone (who enters Paradise) is called from one of the doors,
it is a certainty. Is it possible that someone will be called from all these doors,
O Messenger of Allah?” The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam replied, "Yes,
and I hope you are among them, O Abu Bakr." (Narrated by al-Bukhari &
Kedua, Abu Bakar adalah laki-laki yang paling dicintai oleh Rasulu shallallahu
‘alaihi wa sallam. ‘Amr bin Al Ash radhiallahu’anhu bertanya kepada Nabi
shallallahu’alahi wa sallam, “Siapa orang yang kau cintai?. Rasulullah menjawab:
‘Aisyah’. Aku bertanya lagi: ‘Kalau laki-laki?’. Beliau menjawab: ‘Ayahnya Aisyah’
(yaitu Abu Bakar)” (HR. Muslim).
Second, Abu Bakr was the man most loved by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa
sallam. 'Amr bin Al Ash radhiallahu'anhu asked the Prophet sallallaahu'alahi wa
sallam, "Who is the person you love? The Prophet replied: 'Aisha'. I asked again:
'What about a boy?'. He replied: 'Aisha's father' (i.e. Abu Bakr)" (HR. Muslim).
Ketiga, Allah mempersaksikan bahwa Abu Bakar adalah orang yang ikhlas dalam
mengamalkan ajaran Islam. Allah Ta’ala berfirman,
Third, Allah testifies that Abu Bakr was a sincere person in practicing the
teachings of Islam. Allah Ta'ala says,
ِ ههْجو ِ ءاَغهتْبا ِ لَإ . ِ ى َزجُت ْ ِ ةمْعهن ِْ نم ه ِ ُهَدْنهع ِ دَحل ه امو . ِىَّكَزَتَي ِ ُهَلام يهتؤُي ْ يهذلا . ىَقت َ ْ اهُبَّنَجُيَسو َ
ِلا ْ
َ َ
َٰ ه
َ َ
َ ْ
ِ ىَضرَي ْ ِ ف ْ وَسَلو َ . ِ ىَلْعلا ِ هه بر
ه َ
“Dan kelak akan dijauhkan orang yang paling takwa dari neraka itu, Yang
menafkahkan hartanya (di jalan Allah) untuk membersihkannya, Padahal tidak ada
seorang pun memberikan suatu nikmat kepadanya yang harus dibalasnya, Tetapi
(dia memberikan itu semata-mata) karena mencari keridaan Tuhannya Yang Maha
Tinggi. Dan kelak dia benar-benar mendapat kepuasan” (QS. Al Lail: 17-21)
"And later the most pious person will be kept away from hell, Who spends his
wealth (in the way of Allah) to clean it, Even though no one gives him a favor
that he must repay, But (he gives it solely) because he seeks the pleasure of his
Lord The Most High. And one day he will truly find satisfaction." (Surah Al Lail:
Keempat, orang-orang musyrik menyifati Abu Bakar sebagaimana Khadijah
menyifati Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. Abu Bakar adalah salah seorang
sahabat yang diperintahkan Rasulullah untuk berhijrah ke negeri Habasyah.
Meskipun Abu Bakar lebih senang berada di sisi Rasulullah, namun Rasulullah
mengkhawatirkan keselematan Abu Bakar karena kabilahnya termasuk kabilah
yang lemah, tidak mampu melindunginya dari ancaman orang-orang kafir Quraisy.
Fourth, the polytheists characterize Abu Bakr as Khadija characterizes the
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Abu Bakr was one of the companions who
was ordered by the Prophet to emigrate to the land of Habasyah. Although Abu