Page 139 - Fundamentals of Management Myths Debunked (2017)_Flat
P. 139

138    Part 2   •  Planning
                Discussion Questions                                  4-21  Suppose some trainers meet at a conference and view a pre-
                                                                           sentation about an organic new feed that naturally improves
                4-18  What are some examples of rational and intuitive decision mak-  muscle development in race horses. A trainer who did not at-
                     ing that you may see in horse racing?                 tend the presentation hears each trainer who left the presenta-
                4-19  A jockey from Melbourne, Australia is swayed by a friend to   tion signed up for a month’s supply. Then the trainer decides to
                     race at the last minute in Happy Valley, Hong Kong without a   follow suit without gathering any evidence. What type of deci-
                     track preview. How would bounded rationality affect the jockey   sion bias would you consider this to be?
                     who normally races in Australia?
                4-20 What decision-making approaches could an owner use to
                     help decide what type of horse to buy?
                Case aPPliCation 3

                Tasting Success

                      he Coca-Cola Company (Coke) is in a league by it-  three months long. To help in this, Coke relies on a consultant
                      self.  As the world’s largest and number one nonalco-  experienced with revenue analytics, who has described OJ as
                Tholic beverage company, Coke makes or licenses more   “one of the most complex applications of business analytics.”
                than 3,500 drinks in more than 200 countries. Coke has built 15   How complex? To consistently deliver an optimal blend given
                billion-dollar brands and also claims four of the top five soft-  the challenges of nature requires some 1 quintillion (that’s 1
                drink brands (Coke, Diet Coke, Fanta, and Sprite). Each year   followed by 18 zeroes) decisions!
                since 2001, global brand consulting firm Interbrand, in con-  There’s no secret formula to Black Book, it’s simply an
                junction with Bloomberg BusinessWeek, has identified Coke as   algorithm. It includes detailed data about the more than 600
                the number one best global brand. Coke’s executives and man-  different flavors that make up an orange and about customer
                agers are focusing on ambitious, long-term growth for the com-  preferences. This data is correlated to a profile of each batch of
                pany—doubling Coke’s business by 2020. A big part of achiev-  raw juice. The algorithm then determines how to blend batches to
                ing this goal is building up its Simply Orange juice business   match a certain taste and consistency. At the juice bottling plant,
                into a powerful global juice brand. Decision making is playing   “blend technicians” carefully follow the Black Book instructions
                a crucial role as managers try to                                                 before beginning the bot-
                beat rival PepsiCo, which has a                                                   tling process. The weekly OJ
                40 percent market share in the       Orange Juice and the                         recipe they use is “tweaked”
                not-from-concentrate juice cate-   1 Quintillion Decisions                        constantly. Black Book also
                gory compared to Coke’s 28 per-                                                   includes data on external fac-
                cent share. And those  managers       needed to deliver it!                       tors such as weather patterns,
                aren’t leaving anything to chance                                                 crop yields, and other cost
                in this hot—umm, cold—pursuit!                                                    pressures. This is useful for
                    You’d think that making orange juice (OJ) would be rela-  Coke’s decision makers as they ensure they’ll have enough sup-
                tively simple—pick, squeeze, pour. While that would probably   plies for at least 15 months. One Coke executive says the compa-
                be the case in your own kitchen, in Coke’s case, that glass of   ny’s mathematical modeling means that if a weather catastrophe
                100 percent OJ is possible only through the use of satellite im-  (hurricane or hard freeze) hits, the business can quickly regroup
                ages, complex mathematical algorithms, and a pipeline solely   and replan in a very short time frame: as little as 5 or 10 minutes.
                for the purpose of transporting juice. The purchasing director
                for Coke’s massive Florida juice packaging facility says that   Discussion Questions
                when you’re dealing with “Mother Nature,” standardization is   4-22  Which decisions in this story could be considered unstructured
                a huge problem. Yet, standardization is what it takes for Coke   problems? Structured problems?
                to make this work profitably. And producing a juice beverage is   4-23  How does the Black Book help Coke’s managers and other
                far more complicated than bottling soda.                     employees in decision making?
                    Using what it calls its “Black Book model,” Coke wants   4-24  What does Coke’s big data have to do with its goals?
                to ensure that customers have consistently fresh, tasty OJ   4-25  Do some research on revenue analytics. What is it? How can it
                12  months  a year  despite  a  peak  growing  season  that’s  only   help managers make better decisions?
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