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140    Part 2   •  Planning
                    Directors and Boards, Winter   “NCAA  Reaches  $20  Mil-    International Journal of Produc-   57.  S. Lohr, “Sure, Big Data Is Great.
                    2002, 9.                  lion Settlement with Ex-Players   tion Economics (May 6, 2001):   But So Is Intuition,”  New York
                 32.  I. L. Janis,  Groupthink (Boston:   over Videogames,”  Wall Street   101–09.  Times Online, December 29, 2012.
                    Houghton Mifflin, 1982). See also   Journal,   47.  T. M. Amabile, “Motivating Cre-   58.  S. Rosenbush and L. Stevens, “At
                    J. Chapman, “Anxiety and Defec-  articles/ncaa-unveils-20-million-  ativity in Organizations,”  Cali-  UPS, the Algorithm Is the Driver,”
                    tive Decision Making: An Elabo-  settlement-with-ex-players-over-  fornia Management Review (Fall   Wall  Street  Journal,  February  17,
                    ration of the Groupthink Mode,”   videogames-1402330931,  June  9,   1997): 39–58.  2015, B1+; D. Zax, “Brown Down:
                    Management  Decision, October   2014; and C. Smith, “The Most    48.  D. Dunne and R. Martin, “Design   UPS Drivers vs. the UPS  Algo-
                    2006, 1391–1404.          Valuable Conferences in College   Thinking and How It Will Change   rithm,”  http://www.fastcompany.
                 33.  See, for example,  T. W. Costello   Sports 2014,”,   Management Education: An Inter-  com/3004319/brown-down-ups-
                    and S. S. Zalkind, eds.,  Psychol-  April 15, 2014.  view and Discussion,” Academy of   drivers-vs-ups-algorithm, January
                    ogy in Administration: A Research    36.  J.  Wagstaff,  “Brainstorming   Management Learning & Educa-  3, 2013;  T. Bingham and P. Ga-
                    Orientation (Upper Saddle River,   Requires Drinks,”  Far East-  tion, December 2006, 512.  lagan, “Delivering ‘On-Time, Ev-
                    NJ: Prentice Hall, 1963), 429–30;   ern Economic Review, May 2,     49.  M. Korn and R. E. Silverman,   ery  Time’  Knowledge  and  Skills
                    R. A. Cooke and J. A. Kernaghan,   2002, 34.         “Forget B-School, D-School Is   to a  World of Employees,”  T&D,
                    “Estimating the Difference be-   37.  T. Kelley, “Six  Ways to Kill a   Hot,”  Wall  Street  Journal,  June   July 2012, 32–37; J. Levitz, “UPS
                    tween Group versus Individual   Brainstormer,”  Across the Board,   7, 2012, B1+; R. Martin and J.   Thinks Outside the Box on Driver
                    Performance on Problem Solving   March–April 2002, 12.  Euchner, “Design Thinking,” Re-  Training,” Wall Street Journal, April
                    Tasks,”  Group and Organization    38.  K. L. Dowling and R. D. St. Lou-  search Technology  Management,   6, 2010, B1+; and K. Kingsbury,
                    Studies, September 1987, 319–42;   is, “Asynchronous Implementa-  May/June 2012, 10–14; T. Larsen   “Road  to Recovery,”  Time,  March
                    and L. K. Michaelsen, W. E. Wat-  tion of the Nominal Group Tech-  and T. Fisher, “Design Thinking:   8, 2010, Global 14–Global 16.
                    son, and R. H. Black, “A Realistic   nique: Is  It Effective,”  Decision   A Solution to Fracture-Critical    59.  Rosenbush and Stevens, “At UPS,
                    Test of Individual versus Group   Support Systems, October 2000,   Systems,”  DMI News &  Views,   the Algorithm Is the Driver.”
                    Consensus  Decision  Making,”   229–48.              May 2012, 31;  T. Berno, “De-   60.  Zax, “Brown Down: UPS Drivers
                    Journal of  Applied Psychology    39.  See also B. Andersen and T. Fager-  sign  Thinking versus Creative   vs. the UPS Algorithm.”
                    (October 1989): 834–39. See also   haug, “The Nominal Group Tech-  Intelligence,” DMI News & Views,    61.  Rosenbush and Laura Stevens, “At
                    J. Hollenbeck, D. R. Ilgen, J. A.   nique,”  Quality Progress, Febru-  May 2012, 28; J. Liedtka and Tim   UPS, the Algorithm Is the Driver.”
                    Colquitt,  and  A. Ellis,  “Gender   ary 2000, 144.    Ogilvie,  “Helping Business Man-   62.  Hong Kong Jockey Club WebSite;
                    Composition, Situational Strength,    40.  J. Burdett, “Changing Channels:   agers Discover Their Appetite for   P.  Catton and C. Herrings, “Do
                    and Team Decision-Making Accu-  Using the Electronic Meeting Sys-  Design Thinking,”  Design Man-  H orses Really Need Jockeys?” The
                    racy:  A Criterion Decomposition   tem to Increase Equity in Decision   agement  Review,  Issue  1, 2012,   Wall Street Journal,,
                    Approach,”  Organizational  Be-  Making,” Information Technology,   6–13;  and  T.  Brown,  “Strategy   May 3, 2012; McKenzie, “Space-
                    havior and Human Decision Pro-  Learning, and Performance Jour-  by Design,” Fast Company, June   age skyscrapers and sheiks: Racing’s
                    cesses, May 2002, 445–75.  nal (Fall 2000): 3–12.    2005, 52–54.               new world order,”  CNN Website,
                 34.  See, for example, L. K. Mi-   41.  “Fear of Flying,” Business Europe,    50.  C. Guglielmo, “Apple Loop: The
                    chaelsen,  W. E.  Watson, and R.   October 3, 2001, 2.  Week in Review,”,   sport/dubai-world-cup-horse-
                    H. Black, “A Realistic Test of In-   42.  “VC at Nestlé,” Business Europe,   May 25, 2012, 2.  racing/, March 29, 2013; C. Galo-
                    dividual versus Group Consensus   October 3, 2001, 3.   51.  D. Dunne and R. Martin, “Design   faro, “The Latest: Keep black cats
                    Decision Making,” Journal of Ap-   43.  M. Roberti, “Meet Me on the   Thinking and How It Will Change   away from Baffert,”  Associated
                    plied Psychology (October 1989):   Web,” Fortune: Tech Supplement,   Management Education: An Inter-  Press,
                    834–39; and P.  W. Pease, M.   Winter 2002, 10.      view and Discussion,” 514.  /7c6d91b3926346b9b8989426a66
                    Beiser, and M. E. Tubbs, “Fram-   44.  See also, J. A. Hoxmeier and K. A.    52.  K.  Cukier  and  V. Mayer-Schön-  6044e/latest-fans-stream-churchill-
                    ing Effects and Choice Shifts in   Kozar, “Electronic Meetings and   berger, “The Financial Bonanza   downs-derby-day, May 3, 2015;
                    Group Decision Making,”  Orga-  Subsequent  Meeting  Behavior:   of Big Data,” Wall Street Journal,   A.  Waller, J. Daniels, N.  Weaver,
                    nizational Behavior and Human   Systems as  Agents of Change,”   March 8, 2013, A15.  P.  Robinson,  2000.  “Jockey  inju-
                    Decision  Processes,  October  Journal of  Applied Management    53.  R. King and S. Rosenbush, “Big   ries in the United States,” Journal
                    1993, 149–65.             Studies (December 2000): 177–95.  Data Broadens Its Range,”  Wall   of the American Medical Associa-
                 35.  M. Strachan, “NCAA Schools    45.  See, for instance, P. Berthon, L. F.   Street Journal, March 14, 2013, B5.  tion, 283(10), 1326–28; J. Roach,
                    Can Absolutely Afford  to  Pay   Pitt, and M. T. Ewing, “Corollaries    54.  “Big Data, Big Impact: New Pos-  “The Science of Horse Racing,”
                    College  Athletes,  Economists  of the Collective:  The Influence   sibilities for International Devel-, 2013.
                    Say,” http://www.huffingtonpost.  of Organizational Culture and   opment,” World Economic Forum,    63.  D. D. Stanford, “Coke Has a Se-
                    com/2015/03/27/ncaa-pay-student-    Memory Development on Per-, 2012.  cret Formula for Orange Juice,
                    athletes_n_6940836.html, March   ceived Decision-Making Context,”    55.  M. Kassel, “From a Molehill to a   Too,”  Bloomberg Businessweek,
                    27,  2015;  A.  Zimbalist,  “Pay-  Academy of Marketing Science   Mountain,”  Wall Street Journal,   February 4–10, 2013, 19–20; P.
                    ing  College  Athletes: Take Two,”   Journal (Spring 2001): 135–50.  March 11, 2013, R1.  Sellers, “The New Coke,” Fortune,
             46.  J. de Haan, M.  Yamamoto, and    56.  D. Laney, “The Importance of   May 21, 2012, 138–44; and  Adi
                    andrew-zimbalist/paying-college-  G. Lovink, “Production Planning   ‘Big Data’: A Definition,” www.  Ignatious, “Shaking  Things Up
                    athletes-take-two_b_6961314.  in Japan: Rediscovering Lost,   at Coca-Cola,”  Harvard Business
                    html, March 28, 2015; S.   Terlep,   Experiences or New Insights,”   March 22, 2013.   Review, October 2011, 94–99.
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