Page 198 - Fundamentals of Management Myths Debunked (2017)_Flat
P. 198

CHAPTER 6   •  Organizational Structure and Design    197
                                                                                                  unit production
                          Try It!                                                                 The production of items in units or small batches
                      If your professor has assigned this, go to the Assignments section of to   mass production
                      complete the Simulation: Organizational Structure.                          Large-batch manufacturing

                                                                                                  process production
                                                                                                  Continuous flow or process production
                    Today’s View.  Although some formalization is necessary for consistency and control,
                    many organizations today rely less on strict rules and standardization to guide and regulate
                    employee behavior. For instance, consider the following situation:
                      A customer comes into a branch of a large national drug store chain and drops off a roll
                      of film for same-day developing 37 minutes after the store’s cut-off time. Although the
                      sales clerk knows he’s supposed to follow the rules, he also knows he could get the film
                      developed with no problem and wants to accommodate the customer. So he accepts the
                      film and hopes that his manager won’t find out. 23

                       Did this employee do something wrong? He did “break” the rule. But by “breaking” the
                    rule, he actually brought in revenue and provided good customer service.

                                           ◂	◂	◂  From the Past to the Present                  ▸	▸	▸

                      • Initial research on Technology S Structure done by Joan   technology is. These design decisions can influence an
                        Woodward. 24                                         organization’s sustainability efforts.
                      • Woodward, a British management scholar, studied small   • More recent studies also have shown that organizations
                        manufacturing firms in southern England to determine the   adapt their structures to their technology  depending on
                        extent to which structural design elements were  related   how routine their  technology is for transforming inputs
                        to organizational success. 25                        into outputs.
                      • No consistent pattern found UNTIL firms divided into   •  More routine technology, more likely to have mecha-
                        three distinct technologies that had increasing levels of   nistic structure
                        complexity and sophistication.                       •  More nonroutine technology, more likely to have
                        •  Least complex and sophisti-                          organic structure
                          cated:  Unit production—the                                       If  your professor has assigned this,
                          production of items in units or   How does technology             go to the  Assignments section  of
                          small batches                                             to com-
                        •  Mass production—large-batch   affect organization                plete these discussion questions.
                          manufacturing                          design?                        Talk  About It 3:  Why is (a)
                        •  Most complex and sophisticated:                                  mechanistic structure more appropri-
                          process production—continu-                                       ate for an  organization with routine
                          ous-process production                          technology and (b) organic structure more appropriate for an
                      • One of the earliest contingency studies.          organization with nonroutine technology?
                      • Her answer to the “it depends on” question: Appropriate        Talk  About  It  4: Does Woodward’s framework still
                        organizational design depends on what the organization’s     apply to today’s organizations? Why or why not?

                     Exhibit 6–8  Woodward’s Findings on Technology and Structure

                                               UnIT PRodUcTIon           mASS PRodUcTIon          PRoceSS PRodUcTIon
                      Structural characteristics:  Low vertical differentiation  Moderate vertical    High vertical differentiation
                                               Low horizontal differentiation  High horizontal differentiation  Low horizontal differentiation
                                               Low formalization         High formalization       Low formalization
                      Most effective structure:  Organic                 Mechanistic              Organic
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