Page 234 - Fundamentals of Management Myths Debunked (2017)_Flat
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CHAPTER 7   •  Managing Human Resources    233
                      responsibilities as well as how his or her performance will be evaluated; and (3) corrects any
                    unrealistic expectations new employees might hold about the job.
                       Work unit orientation: (1) Familiarizes an employee with the goals of the work unit; (2)
                    clarifies how his or her job contributes to the unit’s goals; and (3) provides an introduction to
                    his or her coworkers.
                       Organization orientation: (1) Informs the new employee about the organization’s goals,
                    history, philosophy, procedures, and rules; (2) clarifies relevant HR policies such as work
                    hours, pay procedures, overtime requirements, and benefits; and (3) may include a tour of the
                    organization’s physical facilities.
                       Managers have an obligation to make the integration of a new employee into the orga-
                    nization as smooth and anxiety-free as possible. Successful orientation, whether formal or
                    •  Results in an outsider–insider transition that makes the new member feel comfortable and
                      fairly well-adjusted.
                    •  Lowers the likelihood of poor work performance.
                    •  Reduces the probability of a surprise resignation by the new employee only a week or two
                      into the job. 22

                                    :::::::   Technology and the Manager’s Job                          :::::::
                                                         SOcIAL AND DIgITAL HR

                     HR has gone social and digital.  Mobile devices are increasingly   13 percent of new tellers and call center associates in their first
                     being used to provide training in bite-sized lessons using videos and   90 days. After implementing the virtual assessments, that number
                     games. For instance, the 75,000-plus associates of realty company   dropped to 4 percent.
                     Keller Williams use their smartphones and tablets to view two- to   Another area where IT has had a significant impact is in
                     three-minute video lessons on sales and customer service. Then,   training. In a survey by the American Society for Training and
                     there are the few tech-forward marketing firms that are using   Development, 95 percent of the responding companies reported
                     tweets rather than the conventional résumé/job interview process.   using some form of e-learning. Using technology to deliver needed
                     These “Twitterviews” are used in talent selection. One individual   knowledge, skills, and attitudes has had many benefits. As one
                     said, “The Web is your résumé. Social networks are your mass   researcher pointed out, e-learning can reduce the cost of training,
                     references.” Many other firms are using social media platforms to   but more importantly, can improve the way an  organization func-
                     expand their recruiting reach. Not only are social media tools being   tions. And in many instances, it seems to do that! For example,
                     used by corporations to recruit applicants, they’re being used to al-  when Hewlett-Packard looked at how its  customer service was
                     low employees to collaborate by sharing files, images, documents,   affected by a blend of e-learning and other instructional methods,
                     videos, and other documents.                        rather than just classroom training, it found that its sales repre-
                        On the digital side, HR departments using software that   sentatives could answer customer questions more quickly and ac-
                     automates many basic HR processes associated with recruiting,   curately. And Unilever found that after e-learning training for sales
                     selecting, orienting, training, appraising performance, and storing   employees, sales increased by several million dollars.
                     and retrieving employee information have cut costs and optimized   If your professor has assigned this, go to the Assignments section of
                     service. One HR area where IT has contributed is in pre-employment to complete these discussion questions.
                     assessments. For instance, at KeyBank, a Cleveland-based finan-
                     cial services organization, virtual “job tryout simulations” have     tAlk About it 5: Does the use of all this technology make
                     been used in order to reduce 90-day turnover rates and create   HR—which is supposed to be a “people-oriented” profession—less
                     more consistency in staffing decisions. These simulations create   so? Why or why not?
                     an interactive multimedia experience and mimic key job tasks for     tAlk About it 6: You want a job after graduating from col-
                     competencies such as providing client service, adapting to change,   lege. Knowing that you’re likely to encounter online recruitment and
                     supporting team members, following procedures, and working effi-  selection procedures, how can you best prepare for making yourself
                     ciently. Before using these virtual assessments, the bank was losing   stand out in the process?
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