Page 239 - Fundamentals of Management Myths Debunked (2017)_Flat
P. 239
trAditionAl MAnAger-eMployee perforMAnce
evAluAtion SySteMS MAy be outdAted due to: 33
— downsizing—supervisors may have more
employees to manage, making it difficult to have
extensive knowledge of each one’s performance.
— Project teams and employee involvement—others
(not managers) may be better able to make
accurate assessments. 34
Lasse Kristensen/Alamy Trevor Chriss/Alamy
when employee’s Performance Is Not Up to Par . . .
Why? What to do
Job mismatch (hiring error) Reassign individual to better-matched job
Inadequate training Provide training
Lack of desire to do job Try employee counseling, a process designed to help
(discipline problem) employees overcome performance-related prob-
lems; attempt to uncover why employee has lost
his/her desire or ability to work productively and find
ways to fix the problem; or take disciplinary/punitive
action (verbal and written warnings, suspension, and
even termination).
2 compensating employees: Pay and Benefits
Compensation–Pay for doing a job
An effective and appropriate compensation system will: 35
— Help attract and retain competent and
talented individuals MOSt of us work
— Impact strategic performance 36
— Keep employees motivated to have money
discipline employee counseling
Actions taken by a manager to enforce an A process designed to help employees overcome
organization’s standards and regulations performance-related problems