Page 243 - Fundamentals of Management Myths Debunked (2017)_Flat
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242    Part 3   •  Organizing
                                                                        How can Workforce Diversity
                                                                        Be Managed?
                                                                        Although we discussed the changing makeup of the
                                                                        workforce in Chapter 3, workforce  diversity also affects
                                                                        such basic HRM activities as recruitment, selection, and
                                                                        orientation. 46
                                                                            Improving workforce diversity requires managers to
                                                                        widen their recruiting net. For  example, the popular practice
                                                                        of relying on current employee referrals as a source of new
                                                                        job applicants tends to produce candidates who have similar
                                                                        characteristics to those of present employees. So managers
                                                                        have to look for applicants in places where they haven’t
                                                                        typically looked before. To increase diversity, managers are
                                                                        increasingly turning to nontraditional  recruitment sources
                                                 Charles Rex Arbogast/Associated Press
                Diversity management at Target includes                 such as women’s job networks, over-50 clubs, urban job
                developing employee talent through    banks, disabled people’s training centers, ethnic newspapers, and gay rights organizations.
                mentoring. Target offers employees, such   This type of outreach should enable an organization to broaden its pool of applicants.
                as executive team leader Chenille English-
                Boswell, shown here, group, virtual, and peer   Once a diverse set of applicants exists, efforts must be made to ensure that the selec-
                mentoring, as well as skip mentoring,    tion process does not discriminate. Moreover, applicants need to be made comfortable with
                whereby a senior leader mentors a team   the organization’s culture and be made aware of management’s desire to accommodate their
                member several pay grades below the
                mentor.                       needs. For instance, at TGI Friday’s, company managers work diligently to accommodate dif-
                                              ferences and create workplace choices for a diverse workforce; so, too, do companies such as
                                              Sodexo, Johnson & Johnson, EY, Mastercard Worldwide, and Procter & Gamble. 47
                                                  Finally, orientation is often difficult for women and minorities. Many organizations, such
                                              as Lotus Development and Hewlett-Packard, provide special workshops to raise diversity
                                              consciousness among current employees as well as programs for new employees that focus
                                              on diversity issues. The thrust of these efforts is to increase individual understanding of the
                                              differences each of us brings to the workplace. A number of companies also have special
                                              mentoring programs to deal with the reality that lower-level female and minority managers
                                              have few role models with whom to identify. 48

                                              What Is Sexual Harassment?

                                                           Sexual harassment is a serious issue.

                                              This is true in both public and private-sector organizations. Between 7,000 and 8,000 com-
                                              plaints are filed with the EEOC each year,  with more than 17 percent of those filed by
                                              males.  Settlements in some of these cases incurred a substantial cost to the companies in
                                              terms of litigation. It’s estimated that sexual harassment is the single largest financial risk
                                              facing companies today—and can result in decreases (sometimes greater than 30 percent) in
                                              a company’s stock price.  At Mitsubishi, for example, the company paid out more than $34
                                              million to 300 women for the rampant sexual harassment to which they were exposed.  But
                                              it’s more than just jury awards. Sexual harassment results in millions lost in absenteeism, low
                                              productivity, and turnover.  Sexual harassment, furthermore, is not just a U.S. phenomenon.
                                              It’s a global issue. For instance, nearly 10 percent of workers responding to a global survey
                                              reported that they had been harassed sexually or physically at work. The survey covered
                                              countries such as India, China, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, France, Belgium, Germany, Great
                                              Britain, and Poland, among others.  Even though discussions of sexual harassment cases
                                              often focus on the large awards granted by a court, employers face other concerns. Sexual
                                                harassment creates an unpleasant work environment for organization members and under-
                                              mines their ability to perform their jobs. But just what is sexual harassment?
                sexual harassment                 Any unwanted action or activity of a sexual nature that explicitly or implicitly affects
                Any unwanted action or activity of a sexual nature   an individual’s employment, performance, or work environment can be regarded as sexual
                that explicitly or implicitly affects an individual’s   harassment. It can occur between members of the opposite or of the same sex—between
                employment, performance, or work environment                                              55
                                              employees of the organization or between employee and nonemployee.  Although  such
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