Page 246 - Fundamentals of Management Myths Debunked (2017)_Flat
P. 246
7 Review
7-1 Describe the key components of the human New hires must be acclimated to the organization’s culture
and be trained and given the knowledge to do the job in a
resource management process and the manner consistent with the organization’s goals. Orienta-
important influences on that process. tion—job, work unit, and organizational—provides new
employees with information to introduce them to the job.
Training is used to help employees improve their ability to
The HRM process consists of eight activities that will staff an perform on the job.
organization with competent, high-performing employees who
are capable of sustaining their performance level over the long
term. The first three HR activities involve employment plan- 7-4 Describe strategies for retaining competent,
ning and include recruitment, downsizing, and selection. The high-performing employees.
next two steps involve helping employees adapt to the orga-
nization and ensuring that their skills and knowledge are kept
current, and include the HR activities of orienting and training. Two HRM activities that play a role in this are managing
The last steps involve identifying performance goals, correct- employee performance and developing an appropriate compen-
ing performance problems, and helping employees sustain high sation and benefits program. Managing employee performance
levels of performance. These are done using the HR activities of involves establishing performance standards and then apprais-
performance appraisal, compensation and benefits, and safety ing performance to see if those standards have been met. There
and health. The main influences on the HRM process are legal, are various performance appraisal techniques managers can
although other environmental conditions such as restructuring, use. If an employee’s performance is not up to par, managers
downsizing, diversity, and so forth can impact it as well. need to assess why and take action. Compensation and benefits
programs can help attract and retain competent and talented
7-2 Discuss the tasks associated with individuals. Managers have to determine who gets paid what
identifying and selecting competent employees. and what benefits will be offered.
The first task is employment planning, which involves job anal- 7-5 Discuss contemporary issues in managing
ysis and the creation of job descriptions and job specifications. human resources.
Then, if job needs are indicated, recruitment involves attempts
to develop a pool of potential job candidates. Downsizing is Downsizing is the planned elimination of jobs and must
used to reduce the labor supply. Selection involves determining be managed from the perspective of layoff victims and job
who is best qualified for the job. Selection devices need to be survivors. Workforce diversity must be managed through HRM
both reliable and valid. Managers may want to give potential activities including recruitment, selection, and orientation.
employees a realistic job preview. Sexual harassment is a significant concern of organizations and
managers, which means programs and mechanisms must be in
7-3 Explain how employees are provided with place to educate all employees about it. Finally, organizations
needed skills and knowledge. are looking for ways to control HR costs, especially health-care
costs and pension costs.
diScuSSion QueStionS
7-1 How does HRM affect all managers? legal problems. What do you think? What benefits are
7-2 Discuss the external environmental factors that most there to having a formal HRM process? What are the
directly affect the HRM process. drawbacks?
7-3 Some critics claim that corporate HR departments 7-4 Do you think it’s ethical for a prospective employer to
have outlived their usefulness and are not there to delve into an applicant’s life by means of interviews,
help employees but to shield the organization from tests, and background investigations? What if those