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Endnotes CHAPTER 7 • Managing Human Resources 251
1. Material for this chapter is drawn Referral Saves Time, Saves Mon- Ethnic Group Differences: The Val- DeRouin, B. A. Fritzsche, and E.
from D. A. DeCenzo and S. P. ey, Delivers Quality,” Workforce, ue May Be Larger Than Research- Salas, “E-Learning in Organiza-
Robbins, Fundamentals of Hu- June 2001, 66–72. ers Thought,” Journal of Applied tions,” Journal of Management
man Resources Management, 10th 7. B. Horovitz, “Layoffs Sting Icons Psychology (April 2002): 369–76; (December 2005): 920–40; K.
ed. (Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Coca-Cola and McDonalds,” USA and E. Hermelin and I. T. Robert- O’Leonard, HP Case Study: Flex-
Sons, 2010). Today, January 9, 2015, 5B. son, “A Critique and Standardiza- ible Solutions for Multi-Cultural
2. From the Past to the Present 8. B. Tuttle, “Why These 5 Compa- tion of Meta-Analytic Coefficients Learners (Oakland: CA: Bersin
box based on D. A. Wren and nies Are Laying Off Thousands of in Personnel Selection,” Journal of & Associates, 2004); S. Green-
A. G. Bedeian, The Evolution of Workers,” Occupational and Organizational gard, “The Dawn of Digital HR,”
Management Thought, 6th ed. 3678511/ebay-amex-baker-hughes- Psychology (September 2001): Business Finance, October 2003,
(Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & layoffs/, January 22, 2015. 253–77. 55–59; and J. Hoekstra, “Three
Sons, 2009), 198–200; “Building 9. Ibid. 17. See J. Merritt, “Improv at the In- in One,” Online Learning vol. 5
Better Organizations: Industrial- 10. J. Mooney, “Pre-Employment terview,” BusinessWeek, February (2001): 28–32.
Organizational Psychology in Testing on the Internet: Put Can- 3, 2003, 63; P. J. Taylor and B. 24. See, for instance, E. G. Tripp,
the Workplace,” Society for In- didates a Click Away and Hire at Small, “Asking Applicants What “Aging Aircraft and Coming Regu-
dustrial and Organizational Psy- Modem Speed,” Public Personnel They Would Do versus What lations: Political and Media Pres-
chology, (July 13, Management, Spring 2002, 41–52. They Did Do: A Meta-Analysis sures Have Encouraged the FAA to
2009); M. Munsterberg, Hugo 11. L. Weber and E. Dwoskin, “As Per- Comparison of Situation and Expand Its Pursuit of Real and Per-
Munsterberg: His Life and Work sonality Tests Multiply, Employers Past Behavior Employment In- ceived Problems of Older Aircraft
(New York: Appleton-Century- Are Split,” Wall Street Journal, terview Questions,” Journal of and Their Systems. Operators Will
Crofts, 1922); and H. Munster- September 30, 2014, A1+. Occupational and Organizational Pay,” Business and Commercial
berg, Psychology and Industrial 12. See, for instance, R. D. Arvey and Psychology (September 2002): Aviation, March 2001, 68–75.
Efficiency (Boston: Houghton J. E. Campion, “The Employment 277–95; S. D. Mauer, “A Practitio- 25. “A&S Interview: Sully’s Tale,”
Mifflin Company, 1913). Interview: A Summary and Re- ner-Based Analysis of Interviewer Air & Space Magazine, www.
3. M. Wilson, “Hooters Manager view of Recent Research,” Person- Job Expertise and Scale Format as (February 18,
Asks Waitress to Wear a Wig af- nel Psychology, Summer 1982, Contextual Factors in Situational 2009); A. Altman, “Chesley B.
ter Brain Surgery,” http://www. 281–322; and M. M. Harris, “Re- Interviews,” Personnel Psychol- Sullenberger III,” Time, www. considering the Employment In- ogy, Summer 2002, 307–28; and (January 16, 2009);
Articles/Hooters_manager_asks_ terview: A Review of Recent Lit- J. M. Barclay, “Improving Selec- and K. Burke, P. Donohue, and
waitress_to_wear_a_wig_after_ erature and Suggestions for Future tion Interviews with Structure: C. Siemaszko, “US Airways Air-
8781.aspx, April 10, 2013; A. Research,” Personnel Psychology, Organizations’ Use of Behavioral plane Crashes in Hudson River—
Langfield, “Hooters Sued by Winter 1989, 691–726; J. H. Prag- Interviews,” Personnel Review 30, Hero Pilot Chesley Sullenberger
Former Waitress in Dispute over er, “Nasty or Nice: 56-Question no. 1 (2001): 81–95. III Saves All Aboard,” New York
Wig,” NBC News, http://www. Quiz,” Wall Street Journal, Febru- 18. J. Merritt, “Improv at the Inter- Daily News, www.nydailynews., April 9, ary 22, 2000, A4; and M. K. Zach- view,” 63. com (January 16, 2009).
2013; and R. Patrick, “Suit Says ary, “Labor Law for Supervisors,” 19. S. H. Applebaum and M. Donia, 26. C. S. Duncan, J. D. Selby-Lucas,
Hooters Waitress Forced out after Supervision, March 2001, 23–26. “The Realistic Downsizing Pre- and W. Swart, “Linking Organi-
Surgery,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, 13. See, for instance, G. Nicholsen, view: A Management Intervention zational Goals and Objectives to “Screen and Glean: Good Screen- in the Prevention of Survivor Syn- Employee Performance: A Quan-
local/crime-and-courts/suit-says- ing and Background Checks Help drome (Part II),” Career Develop- titative Perspective,” Journal of
hooters-waitress-forced-out-after- Make the Right Match for Every ment International, January 2001, American Academy of Business
surgery/article_db861563-d08b- Open Position,” Workforce, Octo- 5–19. (March 2002): 314–18.
5cb7-9cc9-91150b39351b.html, ber 2000, 70. 20. D. Zielinski, “Effective Assess- 27. “Training Expenditures,” Training
April 6, 2013. 14. R. A. Posthuma, F. P. Morgeson, ments,” HRMagazine, January (November–December 2010): 19.
4. P. W. Tam and S. Woo, “Talent War and M. A. Campion, “Beyond 2011, 61–64; W. L. Gardner, B. J. 28. R. Langlois, “Fairmont Hotels:
Crunches Start-Ups,” Wall Street Employment Interview Validity: A Reithel, R. T. Foley, C. C. Cogliser, Business Strategy Starts with
Journal, February 28, 2011, B1+; Comprehensive Narrative Review and F. O. Walumbwa, “Attraction People,” Canadian HR Reporter,
and C. Tuna, “Many Companies of Recent Research and Trends to Organizational Culture Profiles: November 5, 2001, 19.
Hire as They Fire,” Wall Street Over Time,” Personnel Psychol- Effects of Realistic Recruitment 29. M. Dalahoussaye, “Show Me
Journal, May 11, 2009, B6. ogy, Spring 2002, 1–81. and Vertical and Horizontal Indi- the Results,” Training (March
5. J. J. Salopek, “Employee Refer- 15. A. I. Huffcutt, J. M. Conway, P. L. vidualism-Collectivism,” Manage- 2002): 28.
rals Remain a Recruiter’s Best Roth, and N. J. Stone, “Identifica- ment Communication Quarterly, 30. A. Tziner, C. Joanis, and K. R.
Friend,” Workforce Manage- tion and Meta-Analysis Assess- February 2009, 437–72; and S. Murphy, “A Comparison of Three
ment Online, December 2010; L. ment of Psychological Constructs L. Premack and J. P. Wanous, “A Methods of Performance Apprais-
G. Klaff, “New Internal Hiring Measured in Employment Inter- Meta-Analysis of Realistic Job al with Regard to Goal Properties,
Systems Reduce Cost and Boost views,” Journal of Applied Psy- Preview Experiments,” Journal of Goal Perception, and Rate Satis-
Morale,” Workforce Management, chology (October 2001): 897–913; Applied Psychology (November faction,” Group and Organization
March 2004, 76–79; M. N. Marti- and A. I. Huffcutt, J. A. Weekley, 1985): 706–20. Management, June 2000, 175–90;
nez, “The Headhunter Within,” HR W. H. Wiesner, T. G. Degroot, and 21. C. Garvey, “The Whirlwind of a and T. W. Kent and T. J. Davis,
Magazine, August 2001, 48–55; C. Jones, “Comparison of Situa- New Job,” HR Magazine, June “Using Retranslation to Develop
“Even Non-Recruiting Companies tional and Behavioral Description 2001, 110–18. Operational Anchored Scales to
Must Maintain Hiring Networks,” Interview Questions for Higher- 22. B. P. Sunoo, “Results-Oriented Assess the Motivational Context
HR Focus, November 2001, 8; and Level Positions,” Personnel Psy- Customer Service Training,” of Jobs,” International Journal
L. Greenhalgh, A. T. Lawrence, chology, Autumn 2001, 619–44. Workforce (May 2001): 84–90. of Management (March 2002):
and R. I. Sutton, “Determinants 16. See C. H. Middendorf and T. H. 23. Technology and the Manager’s Job 10–16.
of Work Force Reduction Strate- Macan, “Note-Taking in the Em- box based on D. Zielinski, “Refer- 31. See also C. A. Ramus and U.
gies in Declining Organizations,” ployment Interview: Effects on ral Booster,” HR Magazine, March Steger, “The Roles of Supervi-
Academy of Management Review, Recall and Judgments,” Journal of 2013, 63–65; B. Horovitz, “Tweet sory Support Behaviors and En-
April 1988, 241–54. Applied Psychology (April 2002): for This Job—And It Could Be vironmental Policy in Employee
6. J. J. Salopek, “Employee Refer- 293–303; D. Butcher, “The Inter- Yours,” USA Today, February 18, ‘Ecoinitiatives’ at Leading-Edge
rals Remain a Recruiter’s Best view Rights and Wrongs,” Man- 2013, A 4; “Action Items,” HR European Companies,” Academy
Friend”; “Employee Referral agement Today, April 2002, 4; P. Magazine, January 2013, 33–35; of Management Journal (August
Programs: Highly Qualified New L. Roth, C. H. Can Iddekinge, A. B. Roberts, “From E-Learning to 2000): 605–26.
Hires Who Stick Around,” Cana- I. Huffcutt, C. E. Eidson, and P. Mobile Learning,” HR Magazine, 32. See R. de Andrés, J. L. Garcia-
dian HR Reporter, June 4, 2001, Bobko, “Corrections for Range August 2012, 61–65; D. Zielinski, Lapresta, and J. GonzálezPachón,
21; and C. Lachnit, “Employee Restriction in Structured Interview “Effective Assessments”; R. E. “Performance Appraisal Based