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252    Part 3   •  Organizing
                    on Distance Function Methods,”    Reward Employees,”  August 21,   2011, 1B; J. Yang and V. Salazar,    Progress,” Journal of Management
                    European Journal of Operation-  2007; “Hewitt Study Shows Pay-  “Are Annual Performance Reviews   (June 2009): 503–36; M. Rotundo,
                    al Research (December 2010):   for-Performance Plans Replacing   an Accurate Appraisal for Employ-  D.  H.  Nguyen,  and  P.  R.  Sack-
                    1599–607; and L. Atwater and J.   Holiday Bonuses,” December 6,   ees’ Work?” USA Today, Septem-  ett, “A Meta-Analytic Review of
                    Brett, “Feedback Format: Does It   2005; “Salaries Continue to Rise   ber 27, 2011, 1B; J. Yang and S.   Gender Differences in Perceptions
                    Influence Manager’s Reaction to   in  Asia  Pacific,  Hewitt  Annual   Ward, “What Are the Most Com-  of Sexual Harassment,”  Journal
                    Feedback,” Journal of Occupation-  Study Reports,” November 23,   mon Mistakes Candidates Make   of Applied  Psychology (October
                    al and Organizational Psychology   2005; and “Hewitt Study Shows   During Job Interviews?” USA To-  2001): 914–22.
                    (December 2006): 517–32.  Base Pay Increases Flat for 2006   day, August 15, 2011, 1B; and P.   58. “Sexual  Harassment,”  http://
                 33.  M. A. Peiperl, “Getting 360 Feed-  with  Variable Pay Plans Picking   Kujawa, “For Some Workers, the
                    back Right,”  Harvard Business   up the Slack,” Hewitt Associates,   Piggy Bank Is Fat for Retirement,”   harassment.cfm, April 24, 2015.
                    Review, January 2001, 142–47.  LLC,   Workforce Management Online,    59.  R. L. Wiener and L. E. Hurt, “How
                 34.  T. J. Maurer, D. R. D. Mitchell,   (August 31, 2005).  July 16, 2012.         Do People Evaluate Social Sexual
                    and F. G. Barbeite, “Predictors of    40.  “Mandated Benefits: 2002 Com-   46.  A. Joshi, “Managing the Organi-  Conduct at Work? A Psychologi-
                    Attitudes  Toward a 360-Degree   pliance Guide,” Employee Benefits   zational Melting Pot: Dilemmas of   cal Model,”  Journal  of Applied
                    Feedback System and Involvement   Journal (June 2002): 64; and J.   Workplace Diversity,” Administra-  Psychology (February 2000): 75.
                    in Post-Feedback Management   J. Kim, “Smaller Firms Augment   tive Science Quarterly, December    60.  A. R. Karr, “Companies Crack
                    Development Activity,”  Journal   Benefits, Survey Shows,”  Wall   2001, 783–84.  Down on the Increasing Sexual
                    of Occupational and Organiza-  Street Journal, June 6, 2002, D2.   47.  L. Dishman, “These  Are the   Harassment by E-Mail,”  Wall
                    tional Psychology (March 2002):    41.  See, for example, R. E. Catalano   Companies  Winning the Race   Street Journal, September 21,
                    87–107.                   and D. L. Kirkpatrick, “Evaluat-  to Increase Diversity,” http://  1999,  A1; and  A. Fisher, “After
                 35.  This section based on R. I. Hender-  ing Training Programs: The State  All This Time, Why Don’t People
                    son,  Compensation Management   of the Art,” Training and Develop-  these-are-the-companies-winning-   Know  What Sexual Harassment
                    in a Knowledge-Based World, 9th   ment Journal (May 1968): 2–9.  the-race-to-increase-diversity,   Means?”  Fortune, January 12,
                    ed. (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pren-   42.  P. P. Shah, “Network Destruction:   April 25, 2015.  1998, 68.
                    tice Hall, 2003).         The Structural Implications of    48.  See, for instance, K. Iverson,    61.  Ibid.
                 36.  M. P. Brown, M. C. Sturman, and   Downsizing,”  Academy of Man-  “Managing for Effective  Work-   62.  “You and DuPont: Diversity,” Du-
                    M. J. Simmering, “Compensa-  agement Journal (February 2000):   force Diversity,”  Cornell Hotel   Pont Company Documents (1999–
                    tion Policy and Organizational   101–12.             and  Restaurant  Administration   2000),
                    Performance:  The  Efficiency,   43.  See, for example, K.  A. Mollica   Quarterly, April 2000, 31–38.  careers/you/diverse.html; and “Du-
                    Operational and Financial Im-  and B. Gray, “When Layoff Sur-   49.  U.S. Equal Employment Oppor-  Pont Announces 2000 Dr. Martin
                    plications of Pay Levels and Pay   vivors Become Layoff  Victims:   tunity Commission, “Charge  Al-  Luther King, Days of Celebration,”
                    Structure,”  Academy of Manage-  Propensity to Litigate,”  Human   leging Sexual Harassment: FY   DuPont Company  Documents,
                    ment Journal (December 2003):   Resource Planning, January 2001,   2010–FY 2014,” http://www1.eeoc
                    752–62; J. D. Shaw, N. P. Gupta,   22–32.            .gov/eeoc/statistics/enforcement/  whats-news/releases/00/001111.
                    and J. E. Delery, “Pay Disper-   44.  S. Berfield, “After the Layoff, the   sexual_harassment_new.cfm?   html (January 11, 2000).
                    sion and Workforce Performance:   Redesign,”  Business Week, April   renderforprint=1.   63.  It should be noted here that under
                    Moderating Effects of Incentives   14, 2008, 54–56; L. Uchitelle,    50.  Ibid.  the Title VII and the Civil Rights
                    and Interdependence,”  Strate-  “Retraining  Laid-off Workers,    51.  N. F. Foy, “Sexual Harassment   Act of 1991, the maximum award
                    gic Management Journal (June   but  for What?”  New York  Times   Can Threaten Your Bottom Line,”   that can be given, under the Fed-
                    2002): 491–512; E. Montemayor,   Online, March 26, 2006; D. Tour-  Strategic Finance (August 2000):   eral  Act, is $300,000. However,
                    “Congruence between Pay Policy   ish, N. Paulsen, E. Hobman, and   56–57.       many cases are tried under state
                    and Competitive Strategy in High-  P. Bordia, “The Downsides of    52.  “Federal Monitors Find Illinois   laws that permit unlimited punitive
                    Performing Firms,”  Journal of   Downsizing:  Communication  Mitsubishi Unit Eradicating Ha-  damages.
                    Management vol. 22, no. 6 (1996):   Processes and Information Needs   rassment,”  Wall Street Journal    64.  J. W. Janove, “Sexual Harassment
                    889–908; and L. R. Gomez-Mejia,   in the Aftermath of a Workforce   (September 7, 2000): A8.  and  the  Big  Three Surprises,”
                    “Structure and Process of Diversi-  Reduction Strategy,”  Manage-   53.  L.  J.  Munson,  C.  Hulin,  and  F.   HR Magazine, November 2001,
                    fication,  Compensation  Strategy,   ment Communication Quarterly,   Drasgow,  “Longitudinal Analysis   123–30; and L.  A. Baar and J.
                    and Firm Performance,” Strategic   May 2004, 485–516; J. Brock-  of Dispositional Influences and   Baar, “Harassment Case Proceeds
                    Management Journal 13 (1992):   ner, G. Spreitzer,  A. Mishra,  W.   Sexual Harassment: Effects on   Despite Failure to Report,”  HR
                    381–97.                   Hochwarter, L. Pepper, and J.   Job and Psychological Outcomes,”   Magazine, June 2005, 159.
                 37.  J. D. Shaw, N. Gupta,  A. Mitra,   Weinberg, “Perceived Control as   Personnel  Psychology  (Spring    65.  S. Shellenbarger, “Supreme Court
                    and G. E. Ledford Jr., “Success   an  Antidote to the Negative Ef-  2000): 21.  Takes on How Employers Handle
                    and Survival of Skill-Based Pay   fects  of Layoffs  on  Survivors’    54.  B. Leonard, “Survey: 10% of   Worker Harassment Complaints,”
                    Plans,”  Journal of Management   Organizational Commitment and   Employees Report Harassment   Wall Street Journal, April  13,
                    (February 2005):  28–49;  C.  Lee,   Job Performance,”  Administra-  at Work,” HR Magazine, October   2006, D1.
                    K. S. Law, and P. Bobko, “The   tive Science Quarterly, 49 (2004):   2010, 18.   66.  See, for instance, P. W. Dorfman,
                    Importance of Justice Perceptions   76–100; and E. Krell, “Defusing    55.  “Nichols v. Azteca Restaurant En-  A.  T. Cobb, and R. Cox, “Inves-
                    on Pay Effectiveness:  A  Two-  Downsizing,”  Business Finance,   terprises,”  Harvard Law Review,   tigations of Sexual Harassment
                    Year Study of a Skill-Based Pay   December 2002, 55–57.  May 2002, 2074;  A. J. Morrell,     Allegations: Legal Means Fair—
                    Plan,”  Journal of Management    45.  And the Survey Says box based on   “Non-Employee  Harassment,”  Or Does It?”  Human Resources
                    vol. 26, no. 6 (1999): 851–73; G.   “Find the Sharpest Needle in the   Legal Report (January–February   Management, Spring 2000, 33–39.
                    E. Ledford, “Paying for the Skills,   Stack,” HR Magazine, June 2012,   2000): 1. See also S. Lim and L.    67.  These examples taken from S.
                    Knowledge and Competencies of   16; J. Yang and P.  Trap, “If You   M. Cortina, “Interpersonal Mis-  J. Wells,  “Does Work  Make You
                    Knowledge Workers,” Compensa-  Started a Job and You Didn’t Like   treatment in the  Workplace:  The   Fat?”  HR Magazine, October
                    tion and Benefits Review, July–  It, How Long  Would You Stay?”   Interface and Impact of General   2010,  26–32;  R.  King,  “Slim-
                    August 1995, 55–62; and E. E.   USA Today, June 11, 2012, 1B; J.   Incivility and Sexual Harassment,”   ming Down Employees to Cut
                    Lawler III, G. E. Ledford Jr., and   Yang and P.  Trap, “Do You Use   Journal of  Applied Psychology   Costs”; C.  Tkaczyk, “Lowering
                    L. Chang, “Who Uses Skill-Based   Social Networking Sites to Re-  (May 2005): 483–96.  Health-Care Costs,” Fortune, No-
                    Pay and Why,” Compensation and   search Candidates?”  USA Today,    56.  Although the male gender is re-  vember 23, 2009, 16; and A. W.
                    Benefits Review, March–April   June 5, 2012, 1B; J. Yang and A.   ferred to here, it is important to   Matthews, “When All Else Fails:
                    1993, 22.                 Gonzalez,  “Top Actions  Workers   note that sexual harassment may   Forcing  Workers into Healthy
                 38.  J. D. Shaw, N. Gupta,  A. Mitra,   Feel  Are Grounds for  Termina-  involve people of either sex or the   Habits,” Wall Street Journal, July
                    and G. E. Ledford Jr., “Success   tion,”  USA Today, May 7, 2012,   same sex. (See, for instance, On-  8, 2009, D1+.
                    and Survival of Skill-Based Pay   1B; L.  Weber,” Little  Time for   cale v. Sundowner Offshore Ser-   68.  J.  Tozzi, “U.S. Health-Care
                    Plans.”                   Resumes,”  Wall Street Journal,   vice, Inc., 118 S. Ct. 998.)  Spending Is on the Rise  Again,”
                 39.  Information from Hewitt  Associ-  March 21, 2012, B8; J. Yang and P.    57.  See also  A. M. O’Leary-Kelly,
                    ates Studies: “As Fixed Costs In-  Trap, “Top Reasons Why  Someone   L. Bowes-Sperry, C.  A. Bates,   articles/2015-02-18/u-s-health-
                    crease, Employers Turn to Variable   Hired Would Not Work Out in the   and E. R. Lean, “Sexual Harass-  care-spending-is-on-the-rise-
                    Pay Programs as Preferred Way to   Position,” USA Today, October 26,   ment at Work: A Decade (Plus) of   again,  February  18,  2015;  and
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