Page 313 - Fundamentals of Management Myths Debunked (2017)_Flat
P. 313

312    Part 4   •  Leading
                                                                          Workplace misbehavior can be dealt with by recogniz-
                 9-6 Discuss contemporary issues in OB.               ing that it’s there; carefully screening potential employees for
                                                                      possible negative tendencies; and most importantly, by paying
                The challenge of managing gen Y workers is that they bring   attention to employee attitudes through surveys about job satis-
                new attitudes to the workplace. The main challenges are over   faction and dissatisfaction.
                issues such as appearance, technology, and management style.

                DIscussIon QuEstIons

                 9-1  How is an organization like an iceberg? Use          mance is enabled.” What do you think this statement
                     the  iceberg metaphor to describe the field of        means? Explain. What’s your reaction to this statement?
                      organizational behavior.                             Do you agree? Disagree? Why?
                  9-2  Does the importance of knowledge of OB differ based     9-7  How might a manager use personality traits to improve
                     on a manager’s level in the organization? If so, how? If   employee selection in his or her department? Emotional
                     not, why not? Be specific.                            intelligence? Discuss.
                 9-3  Define the six important employee behaviors.      9-8  Discuss the benefits of using social learning to manage
                  9-4  Clarify how individuals reconcile inconsistencies    a diversified workforce in an organization.
                     between attitudes and behaviors.                   9-9  A gallup Organization survey shows that most work-
                  9-5  Describe what is meant by the term emotional        ers rate having a caring boss even higher than they
                      intelligence. Provide an example of how it’s used in   value money or fringe benefits. How should managers
                     contemporary organizations.                             interpret this information? What are the implications?
                  9-6  “Instead of worrying about job satisfaction, companies   9-10  Identify and discuss the three components of work-
                     should be trying to create environments where perfor-  related attitude.


                  go to for the following Assisted-graded writing questions.
                  9-11  Why is it important for managers to have an   9-13 MyManagementLab Only – comprehensive writing
                         understanding of organizational behavior?         assignment for this chapter.
                  9-12 Describe the key elements of attribution theory.
                       Discuss how the fundamental attribution error and
                       self-serving bias play a role.

                Management Skill Builder      unDErstanDIng
                                                                  EMPloyEE EMotIons

                Employees bring their emotions with them to work every day. Although managers would like to think
                that  employees are always rational, they aren’t. And any manager who deals with people by ignoring how
                  emotions—such as fear, anger, love, hate, joy, and grief—shape employees’ day-to-day behavior isn’t likely
                to be very effective.
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