Page 331 - Fundamentals of Management Myths Debunked (2017)_Flat
P. 331

330    Part 4   •  Leading
                                        ◂ ◂ ◂  From the Past to the Present                  ▸ ▸ ▸

                   • DOES the desire to be accepted as a part of a group leave   • The group was seated in a prearranged way so the USS
                    one susceptible to conforming to the group’s norms?  was the last to announce his or her decision and so was
                   • WILL  a  group  exert  pressure  that’s  strong  enough  to   unaware that the experiment was fixed.
                    change a member’s attitude and behavior?            • The experiment began with two sets of matching exer-
                  That’s what Solomon Asch wanted to know, and according to   cises in which all the subjects gave the right answers.
                  his research, the answer appears to be yes. 10        • On the third set, however, the first subject gave an
                                                                         obviously  wrong answer—for  example,  saying  C  in
                  Asch’s Research:                                       Exhibit  10–4.  The next subject gave the same wrong
                   • Study involved groups of seven or eight people who sat     answer, and so did the others, until it was the unsuspect-
                    in a classroom and were asked to compare two cards   ing subject’s turn.
                    held by an investigator. The  object was for  each group   • The USS knew that “B” was the same as “X” but every-
                    member to announce aloud which  of the three lines   one else said “C” .
                    matched the single line.
                                                                                        • The  decision  confronting  the  USS
                   • One card  had  one line;  the  other                                 was  this:  Do  you  publicly  state  a
                    had  three  lines  of  varying  length.   Have YOU ever been          perception that differs from the pre-
                    One of the lines on the three-line                                    announced  position  of  the  others?
                    card was identical to the line  on   pressured by a                   Or do you give an answer that you
                    the  one-line  card  and  the  differ-                                strongly believe to be incorrect in
                    ence in line length was quite obvi- group to conform?                 order to have your response agree
                    ous. (See Exhibit 10–4.)                                              with the other group members?
                   • Under ordinary conditions, subjects made errors of less   • Asch’s subjects conformed—that is, gave answers they
                    than 1 percent.                                      knew were wrong but were consistent with the replies
                                                                         of other group members—in about 35 percent of many
                    BUT … what happens if members of the group begin to   experiments and many trials.
                    give incorrect answers?
                                                                      Implications for Managers:
                    Will the pressure to conform cause an unsuspecting sub-  • The Asch study provides considerable insight into group
                    ject (USS) to alter his or her answers to align with those   behaviors. The tendency, as Asch showed, is for individ-
                    of the others?
                                                                         ual members to go along with the pack. To diminish the
                                                                         negative aspects of conformity, managers should create
                  Exhibit 10–4  Examples of Cards Used in Asch’s Study   a climate of openness in which employees are free to
                                                                         discuss problems without fear of retaliation.
                                                                      If your professor has assigned this, go to the Assignments
                                                                      section of to complete these dis-
                                                                      cussion questions.
                                                                           Talk About It 3: Does the desire to be accepted as a part
                                                                      of a group leave one susceptible to conforming to the group’s
                           X              A     B     C
                                                                      norms? Will a group exert pressure that’s strong enough to
                                                                      change a member’s attitude and behavior? Discuss.
                                                                           Talk About It 4: What can you use from this discussion
                                                                      to help you be a better manager?
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