Page 389 - Fundamentals of Management Myths Debunked (2017)_Flat
P. 389

2           thE BEhaVIORS What Behaviors Do Leaders Exhibit?

                              •  Would behavioral theories of leadership provide more definitive

                        answers about the nature of leadership?

                     •  If behavioral theories could identify critical behavioral determinants of leader-

                        ship, people could be trained to be leaders—the premise behind management
                        development programs.

                     UNIVERSItY OF IOWa 4     OhIO StatE 5             UNIVERSItY OF  MIChIGaN 6  MaNaGERIaL GRID 7
                     Behavioral Dimension     Behavioral Dimension     Behavioral Dimension      Behavioral Dimension
                     Democratic style: involving sub-  Consideration: being considerate of   Employee oriented: emphasized   Concern for people: measured
                     ordinates, delegating authority, and   followers’ ideas and feelings  interpersonal relationships and taking   leader’s concern for subordinates on a
                     encouraging participation                         care of employees’ needs  scale of 1 to 9 (low to high)
                                              Initiating structure: structuring work
                     autocratic style: dictating work   and work relationships to meet job   Production oriented: emphasized   Concern for production: measured
                     methods, centralizing decision making,   goals    technical or task aspects of job  leader’s concern for getting job done
                     and limiting participation                                                  on a scale 1 to 9 (low to high)
                                              CONCLUSION               CONCLUSION
                     Laissez-faire style: giving group                                           CONCLUSION
                     freedom to make decisions and   High–high leader (high in consider-  Employee-oriented leaders were
                     complete work            ation and high in initiating structure)     associated with high group productivity   Leaders performed best with a 9,9
                                              achieved high subordinate perfor-  and higher job satisfaction.  style (high concern for production and
                     CONCLUSION               mance and satisfaction, but not in all             high concern for people).
                     Democratic style of leadership was
                     most effective, although later studies
                     showed mixed results.

                     What Now?

                     •  Dual nature of leader behaviors—

                        that is, focusing on the work to
                        be done and focusing on the
                        employees—is an important char-

                        acteristic of each of these studies.

                     •  Leadership researchers were

                        discovering that predicting leader-
                        ship success involved something                                                    Coloures-pic/Fotolia

                        more complex than isolating a few leader traits or preferable behaviors.

                     •  They began looking at situational influences. Specifically, which leadership

                        styles might be suitable in different situations and what were these
                        different situations?

                      behavioral theories of leadership  managerial grid
                      Theories that isolate behaviors that differentiate effective   A two-dimensional grid for appraising leadership styles
                      leaders from ineffective leaders

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