Page 385 - Fundamentals of Management Myths Debunked (2017)_Flat
P. 385
does it take to be an effec- important? Because it’s the leaders in or-
tive leader in today’s orga- ganizations who make things happen. But
nizations? Should the workplace environ- what makes leaders different from nonlead-
ment be one in which employees feel like ers? What’s the most appropriate style of
they’re heard and trusted? It’s important for leadership? What makes leaders effective?
managers in all organizations to be seen These are just some of the topics we’re
as effective leaders. Why is leadership so going to address in this chapter. •
Learning Outcomes
12-1 Define leader and leadership. p. 385
12-2 Compare and contrast early leadership theories. p. 386
12-3 Describe the four major contingency leadership theories. p. 389
Describe modern views of leadership and the issues facing today’s
leaders. p. 394
12-5 Discuss trust as the essence of leadership. p. 401